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Protestante Digital


Finish strong

That's immaterial. What really matters is how faithful you are to the Lord. If your life came to an end today, could you honestly say, 'I have finished the race, I have kept the faith'?

FINISH LINE AUTOR 17/Jaime_Fernandez 11 DE ABRIL DE 2015 22:10 h
runner Photo: Albertizeme (Flickr - CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Some races are really hard at the end. There are those which are almost impossible for some people (for example, the marathon). So if you're actually the winner, man, you're special! So, if you think you're up for it, why not try the 24-hour road race. Yes, you've read it right: 24 hours. The winner covers something like 155 miles. But you are allowed to stop for a drink, some food and even a rest when you want.

The Apostle Paul knew a good deal about life's highs and lows. He knew about being happy and sad, persecuted and victorious, good times and bad. But at the end of his life he was able to say categorically, 'I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.' Perhaps as you read this you're thinking that the 'end of the race' is way down the track. How do you know? For some, the end will come sooner, perhaps much sooner, than they think. Others could have a long way to go. What is for sure and without exception is that the end will come and our race will be over.

Whatever you do, don't wait until as late as possible before you really begin focusing on the finishing line as far as God is concerned. You ought to be thinking about it now. Right now in fact. Forget about how young/old you are. That's immaterial. What really matters is how faithful you are to the Lord. If your life came to an end today, could you honestly say, 'I have finished the race, I have kept the faith'?

We are all in the race of our life. How goes it? Are you running so as to keep the faith? We say, all's well that ends well. But how will your end be?

Remember God doesn't want us to get discouraged or bogged down in midcourse.

Don't forget he's beside you to help you pull through and finish well, to keep the faith as you run. He's promised a special crown and it's there for you - so get running! Be faithful! Finish the race strong!




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