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Protestante Digital

Alain Auderset

A simple guy with a simple CD

During one of my tours in France, I meet an evangelist and his wife. When in the course of the conversation I happen to tell them my name, they stop talking. Their eyes, fixed on me, contain a strong emotion which I cannot explain.

APPOINTMENT WITH GOD AUTOR 11/Alain_Auderset 21 DE FEBRERO DE 2015 19:55 h
Alain Auderset conversion Image: Alain Auderset.

A simple CD!

During one of my tours in France, I meet an evangelist* (*totally switched-on Christian, declaring the gospel out of every orifice!) and his wife. When in the course of the conversation I happen to tell them my name, they stop talking (that makes me feel good, but it is worrying…). Their eyes, fixed on me, contain a strong emotion which I cannot explain.

‘Is it you!? The guy on the CD is you?’

‘Er…I do have a CD that has the testimony of my life on it, but I…’

‘YES, it is him!!!’ insists the woman who is with the man I am speaking to, brandishing the CD she finds on my stand.

Now solemn, the man looks me straight in the eye:

‘For years now I have been witnessing to the rejects of society, drug addicts, homos, outcasts, prostitutes, car salesmen, rapists, etc. …

I speak to them about God’s love for them and each time I give them your CD… Several have been converted!’

(Converted: means to begin your life again from nothing with Jesus, to reset yourself, you know)

He tells me that 4 years ago, in the town of Argenta in Normandy (in France), he had given this CD to a drug dealer. After listening to it, all the tears that he had inside burst out of the prison of emotions they had been in and through a simple prayer he gave his life to God.

He took the 50kg of drugs that he still had, set off with them to hand himself in at the nearest police station and also handed over to them 25,000 euros which he had in an account.

The police officers couldn’t believe their eyes, they advised him to get a lawyer because he risked being put away for 6 years! But he retorted:

‘No, it’s Jesus Christ who will be my lawyer.’

He was given a suspended sentence of 3 months.

The judge, impressed, was converted too.

These days the guy is involved in a church in another town in France. Crazy, isn’t it?   


Chronicle of the CD

I slipped to a guy who was passing through my workshop, one of the ten copies of the CD that I had received on the way out of a church where I had been speaking (they had had the strange idea of recording me). He listened to it in his car and when he arrived home, rang me back straightaway:

‘I laughed and I cried, I want lots of people to be able to hear it too!’

And he financed the pressing of 5,000 CDs!

(…and that’s how this daft CD with the testimony of a simple guy became a seed of life…)

Unfortunately this CD is not available in English. However, I was filmed once in America giving my testimony in English and you can watch or read it on my website (with apologies for my poor English).




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