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Protestante Digital

Alain Auderset


To tell you the truth, my prayers sometimes sound as hollow as that banal ‘How are you?’ two passers-by in a hurry to get home might exchange.

APPOINTMENT WITH GOD AUTOR 11/Alain_Auderset 09 DE ABRIL DE 2016 17:10 h
Photo: Alain Auderset

A crazy thing on Facebook 

Saturday 5 March 2016, somewhere on a motorway in Switzerland...

This road, rolling by in a monotonous way, is actually a really good opportunity to have a tête-à-tête with God, isn’t it? But, to tell you the truth, my prayers sometimes sound as hollow as that banal ‘How are you?’ two passers-by in a hurry to get home might exchange.

Good grief, Alan! Get a grip of yourself, you’re talking to your Dad*, to someone you love!...

OK, I’ll focus!

Amongst other things, we talk about my cartoon that came out 3 years ago:

‘When all’s said and done, I have to thank you that it didn’t do well right away...

No - seriously - Lord, cos otherwise I probably wouldn’t’ve had the time to bring out my book A date in the forest. But couldn’t you do something now?

Remember, I used to love to say that that cartoon would touch millions of people! And we’re so far away from that...’

*affectionate nickname for God



That very day, a complete stranger of Russian nationality posts one of those cartoons I was just talking about (there are five of them in all) on his Facebook page. And just a few days later, this is brought to my attention through a post on my Facebook wall...

Hey, what does this writing mean: 3.4M? That really can’t be what I think it is. My doubt is sufficiently great for me to decide to consult a specialist on the matter and I go into his private den (my teenage son’s bedroom, if you prefer)...

My Benjamin is slumped over his desk, busy doing magic things on his computer, but when I see his eyes jump out, I understand that it really is a matter of... 3.5 million views !!


And the story goes on !!

Following on from this phenomenon, the studio, Moondog Animation, has decided to reactivate their procedures, with the aim of producing new episodes. A crowdfunding has just been launched that you can all take part in: more information on www.willygrunch.com

To see the cartoon:


My Facebook page:





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