Several universities has launched the study ‘Understanding Unbelief’.“Atheists and agnostics endorse the realities of objective moral values at similar rates to the general populations”.
Thinking biblically about public life begins with framing reality according to the Word of God.
As followers of Jesus, we are called to positive cultural engagement. This must begin with assessing where we ourselves are adopting these narratives uncritically, and going on to evaluate them in a constructive way.
We need to be discerning as to the aspects of our nation and culture that can be affirmed by us, and those that must be challenged in the light of the character of God.
As Christians we have a responsibility to take a stand against propaganda and make sure we are bearers and channels of the truth.
Evangelist Hélder Favarin gives insights into how to preach the gospel evangelistically in a secularized society. Sometimes preaching “sounds like a foreign language to non-Christians”.
This educationalist, Prime Minister and theologian has left an imprint on Dutch churches, schools, media and politics visible even a full century later.
Putting to one side the hermeneutical questions around the identification of the EU with Bablyon, what is clear is that the demonization of the “other” inspires hatred not love.
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