Christian weekly newspaper Uusi Tie (Finland) made a survey of the number of Christian baptisms among the new immigrants in the country. At least 235 baptisms of new Christians are documented.
Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) believes churches in Switzerland and across Europe “are opening up to integration.” He emphasises the importance of “praying for and with the refugees.”
What should be the approach to refugees coming from an Arabic background? What is important to them? How can we talk to them about God? Usama Hanna (MEOS, Switzerland) gives some answers.
German magazine Stern reports about 80 refugees from Iran and Afghanistan being baptised in Hamburg. New believers are seen with suspicion by those who think they changed their faith for political reasons. They also face threats of other refugees.
Robert Strong (OM Netherlands) on the experience of opening the church building to offer tea and a safe place changes the perspective of Christians and creates opportunities to speak about God.
More than 1,575 refugees per 100,000 of Sweden’s population claimed asylum last year. But just how large is Europe’s Muslim population, and how fast is it growing?
What can members of local churches do to welcome asylum seekers living in their region? Robert Strong (Netherlands) suggests some easy steps we can follow.
Christian volunteers from Korce (Albania) serve in the well-known camp in Greece. In weekly teams of 10 people they work with a Children's Corner. “SD memory Cards which contain the Jesus film and Bible in Arabic” are given to some adults.
Doug Marshall (IAFR) shares about the situation of refugees in Malta. “I would challenge the political right [in Europe] to be a little bit more engaging. Especially if they claim to be Christian right.”
“An agreement that would be tantamount to a blanket return of any foreigners to a third country is not consistent with European law”, representative says.
“Refugees need to learn the language, and how to survive in the society to which they arrived”, says Vimal Vimalasekaran, a former Tamil refugee. He now works among asylum seekers in Germany.
After surviving her own journey, Zinash Witsel supports other people arriving to Europe. “I try and help them as best as I can, because I know how it feels to be a refugee.”
Roundtable meetings in Sicily will bring together experts, organisations serving refugees and churches. The Refugee Highway Partnership in Europe has been offering this platform to share resources and learn from each other for 13 consecutive years.
An updated ACAPS report shows that Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia are receiving more than 6,000 new people every day. “Access to healthcare and psycho-social support” should be a priority.
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