How does one make an effective Christian presence in the midst of a Europe that, more than asleep to the Gospel, seems comatose or almost dead?
As the church in Germany and in the West in general struggles with secularisation and decline, Lausanne reminded me: the Church is alive and vibrant.
At a private gathering with religious leaders, the president encouraged them to promote French-style 'laicité' and spoke about hot issues like his plans on euthanasia and the State's dialogue with Muslims.
May the church begin to present an emotionally intelligent community, who is able to weather the intricacies of human experience, choice, and seasons of belief.
A recent study highlights the rise of atheism among young women. Among those under 30, women are now more likely than men to be atheists, which is exceptional.
May we hold fast to the truth that God gives growth as weak heralds proclaim a foolish message, trusting in God’s sovereign timing and purposes rather than our own.
The online class aims to “understand what is happening in European culture and give a way forward on how to respond as a follower of Jesus”.
In ten days, 10,000 evangelical leaders representing all continents will participate in the 4th Lausanne Congress in Seoul, around the theme: “Let the Church declare and display Christ together”.
About 70 participants from all regions gather to “discuss again what is at the heart of evangelical belief and theology and what is more secondary”, says FEET’s chair, Gert Kwakkel.
The Swiss Federal Court rejected the appeal of the evangelical church of Cologny. “It confirms the decline in religious freedom in Geneva”, evangelicals say.
We are “users” of the Christian faith and can therefore recommend the Gospel to the people who have come to trust us as they see us living as Christians in a visible and tangible way.
Three Muslim students in Belgium appealed to Europe after not being allowed to wear headscarves at school. The ban had been introduced to “protect” pupils from “proselytization”.
In cities like Basel, over half of the population does not adhere to a religion. Protestants fall most.
Evangelical churches in Romania and Croatia remain connected to those who emigrate. Christians are encouraged to have a missional mindset and to hold on to their Christian values as they start a new life in Western Europe.
Official data show that the number of non-religious people has increased by over 13% since 2010.
Macron’s government wants to see more Muslim preachers trained in France. The step is connected to the 2020 anti-separatism law to fight radical Islamism.
In a Europe that has widely turned its back on the story that, far more than any other, has shaped its culture and civilisation, Christmas remains a paradox.
Research looks at how the young in France see secularism. People between 18 and 30 are more tolerant of religious symbols in public.
The Christian community as a whole needs to awaken to the intensity and pace at which secular intolerance is progressing.
The few religious references of the four main parties standing for election on 23 July show distinct differences in their approach to religion.
The mayor of Grenoble wants to draw up a “more pluralist” calendar by replacing religious holidays with secular celebrations.
The Manhattan preacher gained a global audience with his expository, life-oriented, and Christ-centred preaching. He was culturally open, dialogical, and contemporary in his communication.
A survey of the UK Bible Society points out that “there is little appetite for a secular or multi-faith coronation” among the British population.
Revival groups remain in the Lutheran Church but have their own dynamics. An explainer for those outside Finland.
In the Paris area, the number of those who identify as believers is significantly higher than elsewhere.
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