The owners of the Christian television broadcaster from the UK say they are ready to defend their rights in the courts.
The Chinese government has begun to develop a social scoring system that will determine people’s ability to travel or access property, amongst other things.
“The atmosphere in the country is changed, there is hope and trust over the future”, says Armenian Human Rights activist and evangelical Christian Hasmik Hovsepyan.
In a 7-2 vote, the court held that the Colorado Civil Rights Commission showed “hostility” towards the baker’s religious beliefs.
The European Commission launched the Online Citizens’ Consultation on May 9th. It is “addressed to all Europeans, asking them what direction they want the European Union to take in the future”.
“Choice is important and to be cherished, but we also have an obligation to protect those who are powerless and unable to make choices that directly affect their futures”, the Evangelical Alliance Ireland says.
It would be naive in the extreme to remove the most important human right of all – the right to life – from the Constitution and to put it in the hands of career politicians.
The sentence says churches can only demand confessional allegiance when the job profile made it “significant, legal and justified”. In Germany, churches and their affiliated institutions are the second largest employer.
Mass arrests, torture and arbitrary sackings are denounced by the United Nations. Pastor Andrew Brunson is one of the many imprisoned after the failed coup in 2016.
The Annual Report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU is a narrow document, that misses some of the key elements related to the very topic that it purports to address.
“I know the allegations against my father are absurd. He is not an armed terrorist trying to overthrow any government, my father is a peaceful pastor”, daugther Jacqueline Brunson told the United Nations in Geneva.
“The sustained growth of the churches unnerves the government”, Cuban Pastor Mario Félix Lleonart, says. Several evangelical leaders have been interrogated and arrested in the last months.
According to the judges, the joint statement of the Costa Rican Federation Evangelical Alliance and the Episcopal Conference was “a threat to the free exercise of the right to vote”.
‘Protecting Diversity’, a document endorsed by a range of denominations and church groups, proposes “positive solutions to live all together well in a multicultural society”.
The European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning “the practice of surrogacy, which undermines the human dignity of the woman since her body and its reproductive functions are used as a commodity”.
All the thinkers who laid the first foundations of human rights were not moralising in a vacuum.
Prime Minister could soon sign a law that bans evangelism and religious materials of unregistered groups. Protestants in several European countries send letters to embassies demanding religious freedom.
He is one of several Christians in the country who are now publicly asking to be recognised and respected: “We are no aliens, we are Moroccans”.
Most will not celebrate Christmas publicly this year to avoid “schisms in society” as they wait for the government to answer to their requests of freedom and equality.
Alberta Child and Family Services considers “the couple’s religious beliefs regarding sexuality to be a rejection of children with LGBT sexual identities”.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
Human Rights activists, university professors and jurists supported historic conference with representatives of the Christian, Jewish and Shia minorities in Rabat.
A person has an inherited dignity, regardless of whether he/she is healthy, sick, disabled, or suffering
“It is in our humanitarian tradition as evangelical Christians to extend human rights to all groups, including the unborn”, says Evangelical Alliance Ireland Executive Director Nick Park.
The majority of the political parties voted in favour of the Bill that could endanger religious freedom. The ruling Conservatives (PP) confirmed their abstention.
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