In spite of some terribly dark days, the Protestant faith keeps pressing on.
According to a Rice University study, both religious and non-religious scientists criticize the way Dawkins deals with religion.
How can we work towards a new Reformation?
John Bunyan’s 15 tips on how to know if you’ve been called to preach.
“Many atheists are beginning to see that their loud, aggressive attitude is not working”, says Mathematics Prof. John Lennox in an interview with Evangelical Focus. “We need to spend time to get to know Scripture at beyond a kind of Sunday school class level”.
New atheism, the definition of "faith", Christianity in Europe, the role of the Bible in mission, and the need to listen more. An exclusive interview recorded at "Forum Apologética" (Tarragona, Spain) in May 2016.
The survival of the Church today does not depend on Europe. But the survival of Europe as we know it certainly depends on the Church.
Should we talk about the ‘Protestant Reformation’ or the ‘Protestant Reformations’?
A closer look at Heinrich Bullinger, Theodore Beza, Thomas Cranmer, William Perkins and Conrad Grebel.
The scientist and theologian believes that Galileo’s story has been distorted, and accuses Dawkins of “staining science.” An interview published in Spain’s El País.
The media’s interpretation of the significance of the discovery a few months before it was made reflects the need most humans feel to find ultimate spiritual reality.
Why Einstein’s theory of relativity is actually a powerful argument for absolute truth.
Hundreds of thousands have seen the video on Youtube. Prominent atheist Richard Dawkins and Prime Minister David Cameron show support for the Church of England initiative.
How contemporary Evangelicalism could benefit from going back to Protestant catechisms.
In the 400th anniversary of Richard Baxter, today I give you 10 reasons why it is important to read the Puritans.
“It is fashionable to attack religion”, thinks Rodney Holder. New atheists are “not well informed about many aspects of Christianity”, adds Conway-Morris. Alister McGrath: “Atheism is noisy, has not good answers.”
Party offers “debate” and condemns violence. The Swiss Evangelical Alliance and other Christian organizations in the same building also affected.
I want to hone in exclusively upon the most important chapter of The God Delusion, namely, chapter four, titled: ‘Why there is almost certainly no God’.
Member of Angela Merkel’s ruling party CDU breaks discipline. Frank Heinrich argues the identity of Europe cannot only be based on the Euro currency.
Marc Jost (SEA), Thomas Bucher (EEA) and Clément Diedrichs (CNEF) share their opinions. Accepting democratic majorities does not mean to renounce to freedom of speech.
CNEF director Clément Diedrichs tells Evangelical Focus: “The bad news became an opportunity to clarify who we are, the evangelical branch inside of Protestantism in France.”
A study in 15 European cities confirmed the existence of socioeconomic inequalities in many of the main causes of mortality.
Palaeontologist Simon Conway-Morris to Evangelical Focus: “There is absolutely no problem in combining a scientific career with being a person of faith.”
“The story of conflict is largely an invention of some late nineteenth century historians”, says scientist Dr Rodney Holder to Evangelical Focus. He analyzes the current scientific theories about the origin of the Universe and the influence of the New Atheism in our society.
Scientist Dr Holder analyzes the relationship between Faith and Science, the Big Bang Theory, the scientific and theological debate about the design of the universe, and the role that the New Atheism plays in our society.
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