There are plenty of reasons why we should preach, but what would you add to this list of rubbish reasons?
Law is now being made on the basis of which ‘victim’ group can claim priority.
While you may use multiple texts, it is not primarily to build the main idea, but rather to reinforce the main idea.
Don’t babysit children when they could be absorbing truth.
Let’s not allow the artificial and temporary newness, to take our focus away from the wonder of all that is new for us in Christ.
That is the beauty of the Psalms. Even though our circumstances are so different, often we will find the Psalm writer putting his words right on top of our feelings.
There is a strong connection between what is going on in the preacher and what will go on in the listeners.
Scripture engagement in the remotest regions of Uzbekistan.
Make sure any flourishes work to support the preaching of the text, not to steal the spotlight away from it.
A survey of Spanish Christian organization Decision shows that more than 160 evangelical leaders are concerned about the lack of evangelization vision and training of the churches.
Perhaps we too easily skim over the more minor characters that fill the pages of our Bibles?
Finding the balance between safety and compassion.
You might be a good communicator, your message might be technically accurate in every detail, but if there is a leap from text to message, then you are undermining the foundational reality that God is a good communicator.
As preachers, as pastors, or as parents, let’s not usurp the Spirit’s role and try to force things along.
What our churches need is for people to have their hearts and minds engaged with the Word of God.
His Bible expositions were adorned by familiar illustrations taken from everyday life. Deceptively simple in appearance, they concealed a vast erudition and deep understanding of Scripture.
With different speakers (be they team members or visiting speakers), there is potentially some need to introduce the speaker.
Despite all that can go wrong, testimonies can be so powerful.
Reach Mallorca organised eight days of public evangelistic events on the beach. Although some people have complaint, “we are grateful to the city and want to contribute”, says director Gernot Elsner.
If difficulties arise, immature Christians soon disappear, because the last thing they are willing to do is endure difficulties.
True biblical preaching is not primarily about outlines. It is about heart-to-heart communication.
Pastor Oluwole Ilesanmi had his Bible taken away and was arrested. Over 45,000 have signed a petition, asking authorities to protect freedom of speech for preachers.
Stephen knew that the only listener that ultimately mattered was the one standing to receive him into glory.
Jesus is not in the habit of fanning the flames of our egos as we pray.
Despite the decline of crimes, these organisations still are very influential in Southern Italy. Christians should “face Mafia with the Biblical responsibility that it deserves”, says Giuseppe Rizza of the Italian Evangelical Alliance.
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