Sometimes the ram’s tail grew so much and was so heavy that it actually trailed along the ground, inflicting painful injuries on the animal. When the Bible refers to the “entire fat tail” (Lev. 3:9), this is what the writer has in mind.
They were ruminating mammals, capable of running more than a hundred kilometres without either eating or drinking. Their large feet are perfectly designed for walking across the desert sands.
It has a wing-span of 70 cm, and mainly preys on small forest birds.
The victim’s conversion remained a secret until Somali Muslims saw her coming from church worship.
The lack of food would remind the Israelites of the fact that when they were in the desert, and were hungry, they were fed by God. However, now, having turned their backs on God, they would suffer hunger again.
A film about the life and conversion of Agustine of Hippo was screened at the Athenaeum of Barcelona. A fully North African team and cast worked on the project for six years.
European and US experts address the sexual revolution in a new free curriculum offered by the Forum of Christian Leaders.
Every virtuous person is flawed, and every flawed person has good character traits too. Let’s keep both in mind.
It is urgent to reflect on the issues and challenges of childhood, both as a society and as local churches.
Current issues, international speakers and conversations about the figure of Jesus, in a week of talks and activities organized by Christian university students in Barcelona.
As with any addiction, the brain always wants more, harder, more intense. Saying that one can actually change the likings of the enormous mass of consumers towards a kind of porn that is non-violent and non-sexist, is a lie.
Seminars, an arts exhibition, discussion and testimonies. The European Disability Network met in Tallinn.
“If we are Christ’s, we have no choice but to be alongside the weak”, Mukwege, who was also a member of IFES, said in a recent conference.
While pecking a tree the woodpecker is subjected to impacts of up to 1400 times the force of gravity. Human beings can only withstand impacts of up to 8 times the force of gravity before becoming unconscious.
Counsellor and author Ed Welch: “Our goal as people who have known Christ is to love Jesus above all else, and in that, there is freedom to love other things well, and to know when to say no”.
The varying and changing climate in the Bible lands allowed for a wide variety of trees, which took root everywhere from the high, and very cold, mountain regions of Mt. Hermon to the hot Negev desert and the shores of the Dead Sea.
The most viewed television broadcaster falsely accused an evangelical pastor of pederasty.
As a relict species it has only managed to survive on a handful of isolated mountain-tops.
Volunteers working with the Christian association Valoare Plus set up support groups in secondary schools to mentor teenagers in risk of being trafficked for pornography and prostitution.
Salinger was born in New York to a Jewish father and a Catholic mother. This mixture set Salinger off on a continuous quest for answers from different creeds.
All the speakers of the event organised in the European Parliament emphasised the importance of implementing family-friendly policies.
The annual gathering brought prople from across Europe to Wisla (Poland). To unite, equip and resource evangelicals is one of the aims of the European Leadership Forum conference.
The network of Christian ministries working for the inclusion of people with disabilities, celebrated its tenth continental meeting in Latvia with the participation of 12 countries.
“Being raped for money several times a day is not safe, no matter where it happens”, says expert Kathy Bryan of Elevate Academy. She mentors women who want to leave prostitution.
The caper is native to Southeast Asia, but it is common throughout the Mediterranean basin and in many other parts of the world.
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