Jan Eriksen, a former pimp and drug addict, has been sharing his testimony of conversion with inmates in the Czech Republic and other countries for more than 20 years.
Christians were tortured and accused of theft. The Sudanese Christian Youth Union asserted that the accusations were false.
The evangelical alliance and the government sign a collaboration agreement. “It is a historic moment because the church has been working in prisons for years”.
The government has already eliminated over 5,500 organisations since the end of 2018, 70% of the total number that existed in Nicaragua by 2017.
“In terms of resources invested and people assisted, evangelical social action would be among the largest NGOs in our country”, says the head of evangelical social action.
Daniel Ortega’s objective is to cancel Nicaragua’s civil society including churches that refuse to be subservient to the regime.
The lives and health of the 11 pastors and ministry leaders imprisoned on questionable legal grounds must be safeguarded, the body says.
Christian Solidarity Worldwide launches a report on Cuban government “hardline tactics”, amid recent protests on the island due to the food and public services crisis.
Christians denounce the harassment of leaders and missionaries by the Nicaraguan government for fear of the influence of their social and spiritual work.
“Jesus Christ teaches us not to kill and he followed this also”, said a Baptist sentenced with two-year jail term for refusing military service.
“We want to eliminate prejudices, to listen, talk, accompany, and remember that with God there is always a second chance”, say Basque evangelical leaders.
The government of President Ortega has seized the properties of many non-profit groups. “The persecution of evangelicals is more silent than that of Catholics”, says human rights lawyer.
The vicepresident of the Algerian Protestant Church has been convicted of holding an unauthorised religious worship and fined with around 665€.
Pastor Vyacheslav Goncharenko of New Life Church will be detained for at least 10 days, as trial begins against congregation for spreading “extremist material”.
José Vivas was held in prison for a month after an irregular trial, due to a misinterpretation of a statement he made about the need to have spiritual freedom.
Dzmitry Dashkevich was re-arrested as he was ready to leave prison. He has not been able to meet his youngest child, born while he was awaiting trial.
An interview with Luis Rodríguez Pérez, who follows the fate of political prisoners in Cuba, two years after the pro-democracy protests. “A vast majority of Cubans have been in the opposition since they have the faculty to reason”.
The death of Mahsa Amini sparked protests across Iran. Christians inside and outside the country demand “an end to imposition and discriminatory laws”.
Many Christians arrested and charged for belonging to “illegal” groups.
The Russian military seized a group of 10 Orphan’s Promise volunteers and refugees. Three remained detained and other is in the hospital.
Many registered Cuban Protestant institutions did not remain silent, at the expense of various reprisals, such as losing their legal status.
That July 11, 2021, called “11J” by Cubans was the largest protest seen in Cuba in 62 years, triggered by a shortage of food and medicine and the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Human rights activists said prosecutors mistakenly used a repealed article of the criminal code. Police also confiscated their Bibles and church material.
The landlord, rival shop owner, falsely accused him of disrespecting Muhammad by allegedly saying that Christ was the only “true prophet”.
They were accused of “unauthorized worship”. The court has upheld the sentence of six months in prison but reduced the fine by half.
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