As in previous years, the ninth edition of the March for Life began with talks, testimonies, and music for all ages at the morning indoor pro-life festival.
This was the sixth edition of the youth event in Poland, in which over 3,500 people have already participated so far.
The latest official figures, published in July, show that only one in five practice Catholicism, while atheism exceeds 16%.
Reach Mallorca gathers 250 young Christians from Germany and Switzerland. “There is a great interest in God and spiritual topics among German visitors”.
All of us have the same value to God, and nobody has any right to feel superior.
Perhaps if we dig a little deeper, we might realise that we are only acting on a part of the story; we’ve missed some vital information, and our response needs to be very different.
Christ offers us a purposefulness that transcends the banality of life we experience as exploited consumer-producers and gives us a role as agents of His Kingdom. By Jad Tabet.
In Mission '87, Graham Kendrick and I shared the worship leading for the 10,000 young people coming from all corners of Western Europe and even a smattering from across the Iron Curtain.
Let’s do all we can to be the difference for every child and young person who chooses to journey with us.
The evangelical entity launches a document addressing ten issues of general interest , to give a biblical perspective and encourage evangelicals to “vote wisely”.
TIME Magazine coined the phrase ‘Jesus Revolution’ to describe the sudden surge in young people turning to the Christian faith in the ’70s.
Let us be committed to the urgent and unfinished task of making disciples of Jesus Christ in the whole world. An article by Joshua Bogunjoko.
Pray that God will give you the faith, persistence and determination to keep on praying, even when we seem to be getting no response.
Attackers entered the worship place, smashed windows, destroyed the prayer room, and wrote the message: “The last prophet was Mohamed”.
Due to his various additional needs, James doesn’t really ‘get’ birthdays, but that didn’t mean that we would let the day slip by unnoticed…
“Our reputation among the non-Roma people is very recognisable in a good way”, says Pastor Selim Alijevic. Before having a building, the church helped start two dozens of other congregations.
OM invites young Christians aged 18-30 to visit 11 countries between June and August. “Experiencing mission first hand can lead to being called more long term”.
The event takes place every year to celebrate Pentecost. “We long for people to become familiar with who Jesus is”, say the organisers.
While many of us love these films, we need to acknowledge the messages they can give to our children and how these messages can strongly influence them.
TWR’s Central and Eastern Europe ministries include 15 countries and 18 language groups, partnering with like-minded organizations.
“Young people have lost hope and the meaning of life […] The authority of the Bible must be restored”, says a Finnish Christian doctor and writer.
The government prevents Belarusians from complaining about the violations of their rights to the UN Human Rights Committee.
Matthias Schöni, director of the Swiss Licht Im Osten, says a new truck with help is already on its way to Ternopil. After the attack, “we have received many food and financial donations”, he says.
The event in France was started 15 years ago by the Assemblies of God. “May churches confidently accompany these young people in the visions they have for their cities and regions”.
Items that can be helpful in supporting children and young people with a range of additional needs.
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