Whatever the challenge for your child, no matter how hard it is, how long it has taken to see any breakthrough, never give in.
In Nigeria, CBM members are working with disabled people’s organisations and media organisations to provide sign-language interpretation for vital health messages and updates.
“Floyd was a person of peace, that helped the gospel go forward”, said pastor Patrick Ngwolo, who had worked with Floyd.
Some of these characters, and their stories, can be helpful in raising awareness and in some cases acceptance of additional needs and disability.
It is crucial to understand that the Roma are not homogenous but are different minority groups dispersed over numerous countries and continents.
As Christians in today’s culture, we need to have an awareness of the competing gods of digital Babylon. If we actively serve the gods of Europe, we may in the end find ourselves not worshiping the God of the Universe.
Meanwhile in California, thousands of churches plan to restart public services on Pentecost Sunday, regardless of what the governor of the state says.
When we do a Lego activity where 3 people have to work together to make something, by each fulfilling their allotted role, we can discuss how the Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit is a relationship.
A child with SPD may have reactions which can be difficult to understand. Their body is automatically reacting to what is around them by being in a ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ mode, and this can be wrongly interpreted as bad behaviour.
Think and pray about the gaps that this unique season will create in our churches, as well as the new people that could be added.
Telling the story in different sensory ways will help the story to become more accessible to children and young people.
“We live in a completely overwhelming situation”, a worker of an evangelical nursing home says. Personnel and material is scarce and solidary initiatives have been strarted to provide resources.
A survey shows that women have more existential questions than men, while Protestants and Catholics are the ones who think more about the meaning of life.
Three bilingual evangelical churches in Cuenca, Ecuador, gather dozens of indigenous families. “We do not preach religion, we preach Jesus Christ”, a pastor says.
The Bible offers not only encouragement for personal faith in a time of crisis, but also wisdom and insight to guide the Christian in a position of public leadership or influence.
Spirituality is not given its name because it is connected to the soul or the spiritual part of humanity, but because it comes from the Spirit of God.
As technologically simulated relationships become ever more realistic and superficially convincing, we must be aware of the risk that the simulacrum will exert a seductive appeal to our hearts.
Young people aged 13-17 point to “pressure to get good grades” as the main cause, says a survey of Pew Research Center conducted in the US.
Jesus demonstrates that doing good isn’t a six-day-a-week activity, it is something we should do whatever day it is.
Should we teach our children to be polite to Alexa, to say please and thank you, to respect its ‘virtual’ feelings? Or is it of no significance if children abuse, tease and bully a simulated slave-person?
A strong theme through the film is Auggie coming to terms with the reactions of others to his disability, but at the beginning really struggling to do so.
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
He often used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way of teaching us something else.
The FREPAP party combines distorted elements of Christianity and Incan traditions. Followers of the religious Andean cult believe that the founder Ezequiel Ataucusi, died in 2000, was the representation of Christ on Earth.
Jesus used the opportunity to heal someone as a practical way of teaching us something else.
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