Technology is fast encroaching on family primacy and we are seeing an increasingly premature loss of childhood innocence. The author encourages parents to be approachable, calm, informed and realistic.
Jesus met the parents of five children whom he subsequently healed or raised from the dead. In each case there is learning for us all.
‘Out’ is Disney Pixar’s first film with a homosexual couple in the main role. Margunn S. Dahle, a researcher in media, children and worldviews, gives answers to questions that many parents may ask.
Norwegian politicians took one more step in the direction of a society where babies are regarded a commodity to be ordered and traded, not as a child created in the image of God.
The coronavirus is taking many of our grandpas and grandmas. Most are on their own, isolated in hospitals, and we do not have the chance of giving them one last embrace.
Dave Patty shares about the notion of parenting children on God’s behalf.
“Parents are ready to fight this battle”, says evangelical pastor Ángel Zapata, one of the organisers of a march that gathered 5,000 against the new sex education policies of the Spanish government.
Many Christians seem to uphold traditional ideas about fatherhood that lack both the precision and nuance needed to father in today’s world.
Terry English, of youth ministry Josiah Venture, says discipling young people is “walking alongside them, helping them understand that their faith is about a relationship with Christ”.
Healthy families are central to a Christian understanding of flourishing society. They are the primary institution where commitment, sacrificial love, support and guidance can grow.
Perhaps we too easily skim over the more minor characters that fill the pages of our Bibles?
The government of Murcia is the first to allow parents to decide whether their children attend primary school sessions lead by external organisations on a range of issues, including sexual education.
Much of our time as parents of children with additional needs is spent tending to their needs, supporting them. Jesus modelled this in so many ways during his ministry, and during those times that he served people he taught them too.
Christian six-time Olympic gold medallist athlete Allyson Felix, publicly denounced that Nike imposed restrictions on the sponsorship of pregnant athletes.
Jesus message of selflessness, putting others first, serving others, loving others, is counter-cultural in today’s society.
A new report shows that from 2017 to 2018, the total number of Religious Studies pupils fell from 253,712 to 229,189. “These figures are very concerning”, education leaders, said.
At times, additional needs parents can play many of the familiar roles of circus performers.
James’ journey through life has not been an accident; it has and continues to have purpose.
Yes, he did. He made you perfectly, he made you wonderfully.
It’s not your fault that our child is Autistic. It’s not your fault that he has Learning Difficulties and struggles to communicate effectively. None of these things are your fault, or mine; they are no-one’s fault.
Never, in a million years, did we expect to have a disabled child.
Christian experts agree that education is key to fight pornography. “Talks and preachings about sexuality are necessary in our churches” to help “parents to educate their children biblically”.
When I’m seeing parents who are looking for tips about how to support their child better in church, at home, and elsewhere, it’s often Mum that I see.
An agreement approved by the Danish Parliament stipulates that parents must go through a 3-month ‘reflection period’ before divorce.
We have experienced a change of destination, we’ve ended up somewhere we didn’t expect, or initially want, to go… How will we respond? How will it affect us?
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