The consequences of neglecting our responsibility to each other and our shared home are no longer distant, they are here now, and the church cannot wait any longer to act.
The Bible is ultimately about God, it presents itself with characters on the page, and it was written to real people in real situations.
The challenge for the peoples of Europe today is to find the balance between protecting borders and open borders.
We absolutely should be loving our neighbour, but it is important to think through what that really means.
Global reflections on a universal sin (Part 1/2). An article by Jennifer Javed Khan, Rebecca Yin Foo, Paul Lewis and Susan Ann Samuel.
“Jesus calls us to live and reflect the Kingdom of God here on earth, working for the protection of all creatures without fatalism or desertion”, says the declaration.
The starting point is always fellowship with the Father. We cannot give what we are not first receiving.
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