“Things that cannot be removed”, a mini-documentary about Madrid, its people, and how Christians and non-Christians see the church and the gospel. Produced by Jake Gee.
The invitation-only congress brings together hundreds of evangelical Christian leaders from across Europe for specialised training, mentoring, resource sharing, and networking.
Too often church planters focus on the things that they can count easily, even when it blinds them to the more important transformative measures that correlate more closely with the biblical concepts of repentance and discipleship.
A German pastor cycles from Holland to the south of Italy, gets in touch with local churches and raises money for three missionary projects.
Miroslav Mikolášik asked EU if it is “aware of this practice and the video evidence”. A new video was released this Wednesday.
If the amount of food wasted around the world were reduced by just 25% there would be enough food to feed everyone on the planet, according to the UN.
The deal will need to be approved by eurozone finance ministers and national parliaments, European Commission explained.
Italy will receive the most aid - nearly 560 million euros, while Greece is to receive 473 million.
It is thought up to 600 migrants were on the boat. About 400 have been rescued and at least 25 bodies recovered. The European Comission has made a statement.
More than 1,000 representatives of Christian student movements met in Mexico to share experiences, receive training and take decisions in the IFES World Assembly 2015.
The dominant ideology of today’s Europe: growth as our guarantee of existential security in the present and eschatological hope for the future. Christians have an extraordinary message of extraordinary hope at times of crisis.
The Bibles are being sent into North Korea via balloon launches. People in North Korea who own a Bible can be executed.
Young Christians in Switzerland talk to drivers trapped in the usual traffic jams by an Alpine motorway tunnel.
There are several ways in which the church has the tendency to isolate artists and musicians.
The life of George Borrow and his passion for bringing the Bible to Spain fascinated the politician and republican president Manuel Azaña.
Muslims in Europe celebrate Ramadan. "Expansion of Islam is part of the 'dawa', Islam's missiology, and this idea seems to gain more and more space", Islam expert Federico Bertuzzi.
Participants from across Europe met in Poland to connect, share projects and study the Bible together. Ajith Fernando, Michael Oh and dozens of other speakers encouraged participants to join God's mission.
We are grateful to the hundreds of people who have identified with the project and have used EF as a resource. More than 70,000 page views since we began.
Director of European Leadership Forum Greg Pritchard thinks “it is exciting to see what has happened already” and thinks the website can become a “clearing house for evangelicals.”
The Comission introduces a country-by-country quota system to respond to the Mediterranean crisis. Evangelicals had asked for real solutions in recent weeks.
The workplace may be the Holy Spirit’s greatest arena of evangelism and discipleship in the 21st century.
Thirty-nine year old Zivic, working with Athletes for Christ in Nepal: “There is a lot of news coming out but I ask you to pray for the many people who have lost everything.”
The Peruvian theologian gives his perspective on mission: “We must build relationships with secular journalists, which is something that requires time and energy.”
Laura Sanlon, director of Spain’s congress ‘Misión Posible’, shares her vision of God’s mission. More than 600 young Christians and leaders came together in Easter.
Greg Pritchard talks about the exciting connections happening in Europe between evangelical leaders with a heart for God’s mission.
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