Attackers “burned the evangelical church, took the land, stole their cattle and destroyed the homes of 13 Christians”, pastors in the region denounce.
The missional flourishing in the Majority World or Global South should not be seen as missional privilege but the positioning of all God’s people to be servant partners.
A Thomist answer and a preliminary evangelical critique.
We must be incarnational, engaging in civil society and promoting social cohesion as peacemakers while revealing the hope of the kingdom in Christ.
By casting the sorrows that tempt us toward overwork or other escape mechanisms to Christ, we become serene and rich in spirit.
Lausanne Movement celebrates its 50th anniversary with an online meeting. “Conviction, faith and unity are key to look forward”, said its executive director.
The French Bible Society launches “More precious than gold”, a special edition of the New Testament that features fifteen testimonies of Christian athletes.
The German golfer became a Christian after his first US Masters, but his second Masters in 1993 was “more decisive”, because “it was on Easter Sunday and I was very grateful”.
Evangelicals denounce that Nigerian government “has failed to protect civilians, most particularly Christians, from the increase of brutal acts of violence”.
July 17, 2014, was the Dutch 9/11. More Dutch were killed on that day per head of population than Americans on 9/11.
If Isaac had additional needs or disabilities, what does that say to us today?
The Anglican Church of Pakistan welcomes an initiative that will “pave the way for unified action on forced conversions of underage girls and misuse of the blasphemy laws”.
Many churches who shifted to a more “missional” posture , simply added missional programs, without recalibrating the church in light of our incarnational Head: Jesus.
The bill aims to give better alternatives to mothers in fragile economic situations. In Italy, evangelicals welcome it as a way of complying with the 1978 law.
What is the giant that is mocking you at the moment? Who is the 'Goliath' who makes you take a step backwards?
According to a survey, 42% of evangelicals planned to vote for Labour, which won a landslide victory. The EAUK “prays Psalm 72” for Keir Starmer, the next prime minister.
“In terms of resources invested and people assisted, evangelical social action would be among the largest NGOs in our country”, says the head of evangelical social action.
Ahead of the election of 4 July, a survey conducted by the Evangelical Alliance United Kingdom found that 93% of evangelicals would like to see more Christians engaged in politics.
The Roman Catholic sacramental system, infused with causal efficacy, turns out to be a mirror of pagan systems of rites of passage associated with birth, adolescence, marriage and death, says the Parisian theologian.
The survey shows that UK people of faith are “especially sceptical regarding both climate change existence and its man-made causes”.
Evangelicals say elected representatives must be respected but “postures of hatred, invective rejected”. The RN says it will prioritise security and immigration restrictions.
“Most children whose feelings do not align with their biological sex will solve those incongruencies after the normal developmental process of puberty”, the institution says.
The National Council of Evangelicals in France calls to work to make sure “divisions do not find their way into our communities”. Thierry Le Gall explains why there is a “divorce” between President Macron and Bible-believing churches.
Emmanuel Macron’s “haughty” ways are also losing evangelicals, who go from broadly supporting him to opposing the President’s restriction of religious freedom and his laws on abortion and euthanasia.
Daniel Ortega’s objective is to cancel Nicaragua’s civil society including churches that refuse to be subservient to the regime.
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