For Taylor, the loss of transcendence in a secular age is disastrous for human beings.
Andrés Reid leads preaching workshops in Spain. He emphasises the importance of looking for excellence, being faithful to the Bible and living lives that shine in society.
Jesus is suggesting a deep and wide vision for how to change the world: individually and corporately, in the home and the workplace.
Being secular, or humanist, or atheist, seems to mean saying that you are tolerant or inclusive, when all you actually want to do is erase any trace of Christianity from our midst.
The Latin Evangelical Alliance calls Venezuelan evangelicals to pray “to receive God's instructions on how to be salt and light.” Political tension and violence continue in the country.
So as we look to the future, what should govern our aspirations? Perhaps Jesus’ models of salt and light in Matthew 5:13-16 could give us a framework.
Is the red light district the best place to have church activities? “When I try to imagine where Jesus would want a church, I definitely think it would be here”, says the pastor of International Church Prague.
Researchers are able to show the “stunning explosion of zinc fireweorks” after a human egg is activated by a sperm enzyme.
“Spotlight” wins Oscar for Best Movie without falling into morbid sensationalism. The film makes us face up to a truth the religious audience does not want to hear.
Should we evangelical Christians try to bring back ‘Christendom’? Should we feel frustrated looking at a generation of children raised in a context were the real meaning of Christmas has disappeared?
Switchfoot’s frontman publishes a new solo project. Single “Caroline” becomes one of most shared songs on Spotify worldwide.
“We don’t have easy answers but we will play our part by praying for the authorities and by being a real presence in the area”, evangelicals write in an open letter to the local government.
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