The sexual abuse crisis has been on the table in a dramatically growing way since the years of Benedict XVI. The problem is systemic and pervasive.
A book review of Hans Boersma’s two volumes on the topic.
Hungarian and Italian leaders meet in Milan with the 2019 EU Parliament elections in mind. “There are two sides at the moment in Europe”, Hungarian President Orbán said.
The historical record of proselytism carried out by Christians is tragically marred with all kinds of manipolative and violent means.
The “creative” way of redefining historical heresies for the sake of present-day quarrels could be used against Francis.
A call to use the Bible correctly.
The idea that all people are children of God means that all people will ultimately be saved, thus blurring the distinction between nature and grace, between being a created person and being a saved person.
Five years ago, Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected Pope Francis.
The political status quo has been broken with the victory of the 5 Star Movement, the Italian Evangelical Alliance says. The new political context could help to decrease corruption.
Mariology is a testcase that provides an opportunity to see to what extent the Trinity and Christology belong to the shared faith.
“In a country that has known no Reformation we are still grappling with the lack of pluralism and responsibility”, the Italian Evangelical Alliance says.
Leaders of Christian organisations in Europe remember the evangelist’s confidence in the Gospel, his personal integrity, and how he helped start mission movements.
There is no sign of a massive turn of evangelicals to Roman Catholicism. Nonetheless, what is happening is worth investigating.
The recent papal journey to Myanmar and Bangladesh provides an entry point into the applied missiology of the Pope.
The one who is supposed to guard the Roman Catholic deposit of faith is charged with allegations of introducing confusion, if not heresy.
Let the Reformation continue… yes, but let it continue in the gospel terms of Scripture alone and Faith alone.
The 2013 document, signed by the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church in preparation for the 2017 Reformation anniversary, indicates the goal of an ecumenical trajectory for the two church bodies.
On the surface, the Pope’s comments on justification seem to be very biblical and indeed very Protestant.
A response by Leonardo De Chirico and Greg Pritchard to articles written by Thomas Schirrmacher and Thomas K. Johnson.
Modern Catholicism is “a synthesis of medieval essentialism and modern existentialism”, the Dutch philosopher and theologian Cornelius Van Til said.
For the Catholic Church, “by grace alone” means that grace is intrinsically, constitutionally, and necessarily linked to the sacrament, and thus to the Church that administers it.
In Wittenberg, the WCRC signed the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999).
This request shows that when the Pope talked about all religious people being “children of God” he did not simply mean members of the human family.
Lindsay Brown closed the European Leadership Forum in Poland challenging participants to recover the centrality of the gospel and strengthen the mission of carrying the message of Christ to the ends of the Earth.
The word “evangelization” is used across the spectrum of the Christian world. The question is: What is the meaning of it? How is it defined? What does it refer to?
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