Christians need to “anchor their action in in-depth biblical reflection”, says Marjorie Legendre, one of the twelve authors of a new book that connects current issues and evangelical faith.
Attackers “burned the evangelical church, took the land, stole their cattle and destroyed the homes of 13 Christians”, pastors in the region denounce.
Chinantec evangelicals attacked for having a chosen religious identity that goes against the traditional one are denied their constitutional rights by Oaxacan officials.
The Swiss Federal Court rejected the appeal of the evangelical church of Cologny. “It confirms the decline in religious freedom in Geneva”, evangelicals say.
The ECHR validates the 'Nordic model' of banning the purchase of sexual services. It also warns about the lack of European consensus on how prostitution should be addressed.
At the United Nations Human Rights Council, the World Evangelical Alliance points out the obsolete procedures through which religious minorities must relate to the State.
July 17, 2014, was the Dutch 9/11. More Dutch were killed on that day per head of population than Americans on 9/11.
“In terms of resources invested and people assisted, evangelical social action would be among the largest NGOs in our country”, says the head of evangelical social action.
The church member faces up to 10 years in jail for giving “knowingly false information” about the Russian armed forces. The Russian-imposed authorities say their aim is to “halt the work of religious sects”.
As we go to the voting booths this week to decide who will represent us in the European Parliament, we need to vote for candidates who understand both the calling and responsibility of Christians to be light, salt and leaven in society.
Authorities attend the presentation of the book by evangelical theologian José Moreno Berrocal, which underlines the valuable Christian contribution to freedom of conscience.
Three Muslim students in Belgium appealed to Europe after not being allowed to wear headscarves at school. The ban had been introduced to “protect” pupils from “proselytization”.
The project installed 10 video monitors in waiting areas with short messages to prevent exploitation. Nearly 80% of European victims of human trafficking come from Romania.
The lives and health of the 11 pastors and ministry leaders imprisoned on questionable legal grounds must be safeguarded, the body says.
The world’s most populated country is in the midst of a key general election. “People are afraid that there will be no more elections afterwards”, says an evangelical.
The polls in the most popullated country in the world show another victory for the Hindutva nationalism of Narendra Modi. “Religious freedom is important and under threat”, say evangelicals.
Christians & European Elections (3). The Moldovan Valeriu Ghiletchi leads a movement of Christian politicians in Europe. He calls on citizens to defend the rights enjoyed on the continent.
Few Europeans today could tell you what these days stand for. Fewer still would have ever thought about the link between the two.
The public image of Spain is damaged by the lack of response to the discrimination of pastors without a pension, explains the secretary general of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance.
MEPs define forced marriage, illegal adoption and surrogacy as forms of exploitation.
Over 13,000 dead and nine million displaced in a forgotten conflict. “It doesn't get the same attention as other wars in the world”, says a Christian in the region.
United Nations experts say Christian and Hindu girls remain particularly vulnerable to forced religious conversion, abduction, trafficking, child marriage, domestic servitude and sexual violence.
Arie de Pater of the European Evangelical Alliance in Brussels: “The fact that a majority in the Parliament calls for abortion as a human right is no doubt discomforting to many if not all Evangelicals across Europe”.
Over 100 leaders working against human trafficking and commercial exploitation from 27 countries gathered in Portugal for the European Freedom Network annual conference.
A report by the ILO warns that the number of exploited people has increased, and traffickers' profits have grown by 37% in the last decade.
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