They are the first national association of evangelical congregations to take a position in favour of death penalty repeal. Many Catholic groups support them.
Pro-gay groups and some companies, Apple among them, say the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is discriminatory.
Mike Overd was told that he should not have quoted from Leviticus 20:13 when speaking about homosexuality.
Christianity is the most persecuted religion: in 102 of the 198 countries included in a Pew Research study, Christians face restrictions and hostility because of their faith.
The police are asking Evangelical, Jewish and Catholic authorities about their activities and security, within the framework of preventive anti-terrorist measures.
In France, the timely “Libre de le dire” campaign adds an Evangelical voice to the debate about freedom of religion and ‘Laicité’. Jurist Nancy Lefèvre thinks the pressure from politicians and the media causes Christians to be “unsure about their rights”.
Strong reactions from world leaders asking Russia for an “impartial investigation”. Nemtsov was assassinated hours before an anti-Putin rally in Moscow.
Freedom of speech of the Christian Unions is “assured,” says Home Secretary. UCCF had reacted to Government plans to ‘protect’ Universities from radical ideas which included restrictions to Christian activities on Campus.
The cool thing about Galatians is that it’s so easy to understand. Paul has one simple message he conveys from beginning to end. It is the key New Testament truth that justification is by faith alone.
Belgian newspaper Le Soir published in its weekend edition a magazine supplement on Islam. French schools debate how to teach the country's values.
Three police officers injured. Conference about Art, Freedom of Speech and Islam was attended by cartoonist Lars Vilks and the French Ambassador to Denmark, François Zimeray.
31 cases of attacks on Christians registered in December alone. Believers create United Christian Forum with helpline.
What can The West learn from Africa about religion in the public square? At least 5 lessons.
Universities would be forced to hand over external speakers presentations to be approved. Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill will be debated again this week.
New churches in northern Italy will need to have large parking sites and a “minimum distance” to other places of worship. Evangelicals fear “damage to freedom of religion” and denounce new rules might be “unconstitutional.”
It seems that our politicians slowly realise that the question really is what we believe about diversity and the role of the state in religious affairs. Are our governments elected to ensure uniformity among citizens? Should it be that intolerance and discrimination targeting Christians is somehow less serious because they represent power?
The resolution “Tackling intolerance in Europe with a special focus on Christians”, which was promoted by Moldovan MP Valeriu Ghiletchi was approved with 67 votes in favour, 2 against and 15 abstentions.
“Many Christians and pastors denounce the use of violence employed against freedom of expression but do not align themselves with the blasphemous stance of ‘Charlie Hebdo’”, the French evangelical representative Thierry Le Gall told Evangelical Focus.
We must engage in rigorous, complex and thoughtful processes as we contemplate our response both to the wickedness of violence in the name of religion and the publication of offensive cartoons; be they satirical or otherwise.
All the power of the Islamic fanaticism, or the blindness and deafness of the Western Christian world, cannot be compared with the power of Christ.
The CNEF (National Council of French Evangelicals) says evangelicals are "more determined than ever to defend freedom of conscience and its corollary, freedom of expression for all".
The problem is particularly felt in Lombardy, due to a regional planning law, of 2005, commissioned by the Lega Nord, which prevents the use for purposes of worship of buildings that are not born with the intended use. There are already over a dozen places of worship forced to close.
Goldstein ("1984") is not simply Snowball/Trotsky. The “doublethink” in his text, prohibited in Oceania, “Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism”, is a type of mental discipline, both desirable for and required of all members of the party, enabling people to believe two contradictory truths simultaneously. And that, of course, is nothing new. We all do it.
And at a time when there are actually almost no taboos left in the media and intimate matters are reported on shamelessly, the commonly held understanding - that religion is a private matter - does seem rather out of kilter. Does personal religious faith have to be completely private, or would it be better if we talked about it much more?
Three terrosists fired against the offices of the French satirical magazine on wednesday. They allegedly shouted: “We have avenged the prophet!”
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