She was arrested in January 2013. Since 2016, a dozen Christians have been sentenced to lengthy prison terms on charges related to house-church activities.
Government of the Henan province orders 20,000 registered house church members to join the Three-Self Church, and ban foreign students from practising their religious beliefs.
Leopoldo López and Antonio Ledezma came back to prison 2 days after an election with at least 10 people killed. USA impose sanctios to Venezuela. Evangelicals keep calling for prayer and non-violence.
Hard-line Muslims have been fighting construction of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God building since 2009, having demolished the partially built structure twice before then.
Thousands of believers participated in a demonstration in the center of the Costa Rican capital under the motto #aMisHijosLosEducoYo (I educate my children).
The 8th Evangelical Congress was held, a Festival of Hope celebrated Jesus in the centre of Madrid. A commemorative service gathered 8,000. “Spanish society benefits from the action of evangelical churches”, says Justice Minister.
A petition asking members of the Spanish parliament to stop the draft law reaches 5,000 signatures in 24 hours.
Around 10,000 gathered in Le Havre to pray and reflect about the Reformation. Nick Vujicic was the main speaker. Additionally, 1,000 young people were sent to evangelism projects all around France.
In her visit to the 8th Evangelical Congress, Manuela Carmena lamented the lack of knowledge of the Protestant Reformation in Spain.
About 1,400 children and teenagers (with parents and youth leaders) asked the Swiss government to readmit nine Christian youth organisations that have been expelled from the national “Youth + Sport” programme.
Around 300 representatives participated in the annual Baptist World Alliance gathering in Thailand. The Venezuela humanitarian crisis and the needs of refugees were also highlighted.
The Ibero-American Congress for Life and Family writes letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calling to protect freedom of speech. The platform unites 600 representatives from 16 countries.
There are almost 4,000 evangelical worship places in the country, according to new figures. Muslims rank second, with more than 1,500.
The government often uses this accusation against converts instead of the charge of apostasy, in an attempt to avoid international scrutiny.
“The decision defies common sense”, says Peter Saunders, Chief Executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship in the UK, because it “backs abortion on demand.” 1,000 doctors signed letter rejecting the BMA’s stance.
The bill could be approved after the summer. A state agency would actively promote LGBT ideology in schools, workplaces, sport events and media. Anyone accused of discrimination will have to prove their innocence.
“Any restriction of freedom of worship, conscience, or expression would impoverish the nation spiritually and intellectually, and affect evangelical Christians who publicly testify to their faith”, says CNEF representative Thierry Le Gall.
A letter distributed on social media asks for the “attacks against the church” to stop. Twenty-five buildings are set to be demolished, but Christians in the country are “very resilient”, a source says.
One minor was held for 25 days, another is still in custody, along with five adult volunteers.
A closer look at the eight key arguments of Luther's 1525 masterpiece.
A young Spanish film director documents the work of six Gospel choirs. The genre has grown far beyond evangelical churches.
Tim Farron had been constantly questioned for his Christian view of homosexuality. “A wiser person than me may have been able to deal with this more successfully, to have remained faithful to Christ while leading a political party in the current environment.”
“Belief-based intolerance and discrimination of refugees is a pan-European problem”, Christian organisations said during a hearing at the European Parliament.
“The image of Christians as a persecuted minority is not completely right”, says Egypt’s Bible Society Director Ramez Atallah in an interview with Evangelical Focus. He analyses the coexistence with Muslims and the role of the evangelical community.
The EAUK calls Christians to “fully engage in the election”, and “to speak hope into a society that is so often searching for meaning.”
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