“Christians should be prepared to argue for positions which advance the international common good even at the apparent expense of their national interests”, Dr Jonathan Chaplin said in Amsterdam (May 8-9).
International Leadership Forum participants from across the world met in Seoul with local pastors. Table discussions about Bible engagement, Evangelism and Discipleship, Women and the Church.
The media’s interpretation of the significance of the discovery a few months before it was made reflects the need most humans feel to find ultimate spiritual reality.
If we are to help someone who has fallen into a pattern of sin and they desire to repent, restoration must be a process where we come alongside, offering practical goals and objectives for the individual that will help them turn around.
Christians who consume porn distance themselves from God and fall into a vicious circle, says author and pastor Tim Chester.
"We don't find ourselves seeking to pursue our own individual dreams, but thrgough relationships and community", says Martin Robertson, church planter.
Pastor Peter Mead (UK) explains how understanding the Trinity has implications on how we understand the character of God.
“C.S.I. Miami” stands for more than the scientifically and technologically sophisticated resolution of complicated crime mysteries. It is representative of the way in which today’s society deals with evil, suffering and death.
Why Einstein’s theory of relativity is actually a powerful argument for absolute truth.
Many leaders hide their vulnerability behind a mask of confidence and what can appear to be spiritual superiority, not necessarily knowingly but subconsciously as part of what they feel it means to be a leader.
The vision and story of Evangelical Focus and Protestante Digital. A session Jaume Llenas (secretary general of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance) and Joel Forster (Evangelical Focus editor) gave at the Communications Network of the European Leadership Forum 2015 conference.
Western Christians can sometimes come across as believing that they have a superior and better developed approach to work and leadership. But does the Bible actually lean towards a Western set of values or those reflected in the Global South?
In the Church, non-authoritarian servant leadership does not mean defaulting to democratic or congregational rule but a ‘true theocracy’ that acknowledges the priesthood of all believers.
According to the WEF, it will take 118 years to finally close the global gender pay gap. Women are earning now what men were 10 years ago.
Jay Smith (Islam expert and co founder of the Pfander Centre for Apologetics) in a talk about Islam's origins, the reasons of Daesh's terrorist attacks and executions; and how Christians should respond.
Who are Daesh? Where do they come from? Where have they gained authority among some Muslims? How should Christians respond? Radical Islam expert Jay Smith answers to these questions in a talk given at the European Leadership Forum.
Finance is not a subject that gets dealt with much in church life or teaching, except perhaps occasionally in terms of personal debt and giving. Even less is said about how our Christian faith works out in practice when facing the challenges of running a business.
Augland is a church planter in Norway and trains others through the M4 network. “Calling needs to be confirmed from both inside and outside.”
Evangelicals have to do their homework in order to go beyond the surface of mere phonetics in order to grasp the profoundly different theological vision underpinning Francis’ language.
The invitation-only congress brings together hundreds of evangelical Christian leaders from across Europe for specialised training, mentoring, resource sharing, and networking.
Emoke Tapolyai, Family and Marriage Counsellor, talks about how can the church help someone recovering from sex addiction.
Participants from across Europe met in Poland to connect, share projects and study the Bible together. Ajith Fernando, Michael Oh and dozens of other speakers encouraged participants to join God's mission.
Biological fatherhood can help us as an image to explain how we can walk with someone in their relationship with God. An answer by Henryk Wieja, from Poland.
My greatest struggle is not my neighbor, coworker or family member. My greatest struggle isn’t even Satan. My greatest struggle is myself.
The word love is a very flexible word in English. Love can mean just about anything from loyalty to a sports team, to eating a hamburger, to becoming one in covenant marriage. Love is constantly used, but its meaning is diluted. What does it mean to love someone?
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