I will present a conceptual model. It was life-changing for me to discover it, and I have found that it clearly matches the biblical directives, as well as the fuller biblical narrative.
Trans World Radio developed a mobile app to share “the hope of Christ” with refugees. It can be downloaded in Arabic, Farsi and Dari.
Author Philip Yancey believes Christians are “the Jesus left behind” in a world in which people respond to the gospel when it is shared through “acts of mercy”. Read interview and watch video.
Evangelist Michael Green talks about the difficulty of preaching about sin in a secularised society.
The restrictive norm against the entrance of missionaries has been declared void. “We thank the government for being understanding”, evangelical representatives said.
Evangelical leaders believe the norm is unfair and initiate talks with the government. The Nicaraguan Catholic Episcopal Conference supports the law and warns against “dangerous evangelicals” coming from abroad.
Members of religious minorities speak openly about their spirituality on the social media, a study shows. Only 20% search information about other faith groups.
Hundreds of participants will participate in specialised networks. The morning Bible teacher will be Prof. John Lennox and evening plenary speakers include Lindsay Brown, Leonardo De Chirico, Hans Bayer and Michael Reeves.
So as we look to the future, what should govern our aspirations? Perhaps Jesus’ models of salt and light in Matthew 5:13-16 could give us a framework.
Ruben Fernandez, an evangelical chaplain in London 2012, criticizes the drastic reduction of licenses to meet the religious needs of athletes during the Olympic Games.
Will Graham caught up with Todd Friel to talk ministry, evangelism, repentance and much more.
How can we communicate the gospel faithfully and creatively? What can we learn from the way the culture tells stories? Evangelist Glen Scrivener talks about it.
The law that makes evangelism illegal has come into force in Russia, on Wednesday 20th July. The situation is still better than in the URSS days, says evangelist Alex Jaruchik.
“Russian Evangelicals are not problematic and radicalised citizens and they should not be treated that way”, says Thomas Bucher, the General Secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance.
A Commentary on Russia’s new anti-terror legislation. By expert William Yoder.
About 90% of the Native Americans have minimal or no connection to Christianity. “There are no mega-churches with Indians, but we have people who love the Lord”, Emerson Falls, former chairman of FoNAC, said.
“It’s not going to stop us from worshipping and sharing our faith. The Great Commission isn’t just for a time of freedom”, Russian evangelicals say.
“Many atheists are beginning to see that their loud, aggressive attitude is not working”, says Mathematics Prof. John Lennox in an interview with Evangelical Focus. “We need to spend time to get to know Scripture at beyond a kind of Sunday school class level”.
Any missionary or national believer must secure a government permit to share the gospel. Letter by Christian leaders: "Vladimir [Putin], on behalf of thousands of evangelical Protestants, we ask you not to allow this repressive and unconstitutional law to be adopted."
Every summer thousands cross the ports of Southern Europe in their trip to Africa. Operation Transit volunteers go to these cities and offer Bibles and evangelistic materials.
Authorities of Lloret de Mar fine local church for talking to tourists and offering evangelistic tracts. Mayor argues the activity breaks local regulations.
Following a complaint filed by an LGBT advocacy group, they had been convicted by a criminal court. “Freedom of expression has been protected”, the CNEF says.
The videos, released on April 14, also feature Chilean miner Jose Henriquez and author Alister McGrath, among other well-known Christians.
Participants from more than 20 countries shared plenaries, projects, resources and worked in groups. The meeting was organised by the Lausanne Movement and the WEA.
David Byle could be detained with no charges for 30 days. The Interior Minstry defines him as a “threat to public order.”
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