The coronavirus is taking many of our grandpas and grandmas. Most are on their own, isolated in hospitals, and we do not have the chance of giving them one last embrace.
In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, many may be forced to experiment with this kind of work in the coming months.
“Religious freedom, must include recognition of the right to protect life and to advocate against its termination, both in words and deeds”, the WEA says at the UN Human Rights Council.
Pastors of the Chinese Christian Church in Spain explain how they handle the Covid-19 crisis. “At work, we notice discrimination. Many think that the Chinese are carriers of the virus”.
The alarming trends among teenagers have forced experts to raise their voice. Evangelical author Olof Edsinger: “Of course, there is a theological truth, but science really goes a long way in challenging the queer and trans ideology”.
Is there a way for us to talk about Christian eschatology that both acknowledges brokenness and affirms goodness?
“Parents are ready to fight this battle”, says evangelical pastor Ángel Zapata, one of the organisers of a march that gathered 5,000 against the new sex education policies of the Spanish government.
Spanish psychiatrist and author, Pablo Martínez, analyses how individualism, existential emptiness and intolerance to suffering, have become some of the main charasteristics of our society.
The draft law proposes euthanasia in a month for those with an incurable or disabling illness. Spanish evangelicals ask for “better palliative care and support for people in dependence”
The Evangelical Alliance says “it is questionable to extend the Penal Code only for a specific group of people”. The next socio-political debate around the corner is the ‘marriage for all’ law.
The technology is able to analyse and report about the frequency of attendance, the mood, gender and average age of the people who attend a service.
“The treatment urgently needs to change, so that it does not put young people on a torturous path that is permanent and life-changing”, former transgender patient and main claimant in the case says.
The case is closed, the debate continues.
Ava realises that the best way to support her friend Edgar the dragon is not to try and change him, but to help him find a way to be involved and included.
After two years of intense social debate, the draft law is ready to be passed by the Senate. Two evangelical organisations warn against the “temptation of creating and augmented humanity”.
Peruvian theologian Samuel Escobar analyses the decade from a missionary perspective: the changes in Christianity, the role of migration in evangelism, and the work for justice.
If Tine Nys’s euthanasia was illegal, then the three doctors could face a sentence for murder. Belgium faces a deep debate about a law that allows euthanasia for mentally ill people – and children.
Digital persecution is on the rise, the WWL 2020 shows. Asia Bibi’s release was one of the the good news.
The spread of violent Islamic militancy across Sub-Saharan Africa and South-east Asia, and the rise of Christians targeted by organized crime in Latin America, are some of the trends of the 2020 Open Doors WWL.
A referendum on 9 February gives the Swiss a chance to reject the changes in the Penal Code already approved by the Parliament. The norm could create freedom of expression conflicts, the Evangelical Alliance says.
Let’s not allow the artificial and temporary newness, to take our focus away from the wonder of all that is new for us in Christ.
In a letter sent to census authorities, dozens of academics said they “are concerned that this will damage our ability to capture and remedy sex-based inequality”.
It might be more helpful to talk about Europe in the plural, to accept that there are probably several different versions of Europe.
We all long to be liked, to have friends, to be included and to belong.
Dozens participated in an event in Madrid. “We must fight against violence from all spheres: social, political, legal, economic, cultural ... but we offer another way: Christ”, they said in a manifesto.
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