Perhaps looking at it in this way helps us to understand both stories better, and to appreciate more fully the experiences, challenges and struggles of families that we know today.
There are 13 million disabled people in the UK, including children and adults, plus all of their friends and family. By voting for the party that seems nearest to how you think, you can be a part of influencing change rather than being on the sidelines.
All we could do was to give thanks to God and praise him for what he had done.
We all long to be liked, to have friends, to be included and to belong.
The disciples had proved powerless and the father’s faith was limited. It is God alone who decides who will be healed or not, rather than the level of faith or lack of faith of the parents.
Understand me: “If you tell me to sit up straight, now I have to use all of my brain to do just that.”
These words count for everyone.
You are so much more than you seem, you are so much more than what people see.
Being healed physically or not is not promised; but what Jesus does is to bring healing to our souls, restoring us. calling us “daughter”, calling us “son”.
Disability is neither due to a person’s sin nor the sin of their parents.
How does the way that David welcomed Mephibosheth into his royal court challenge the way we welcome children and young people with additional needs into church?
There is nothing wrong with generous hospitality but sometimes we can overdo it or be so focussed on everything being perfect that we forget the very reason we are doing it at all.
Candles can be vulnerable, but they can also burn brightly, lighting up a room, changing darkness into light.
Catholics, evangelicals and members of other faiths attended the march. “Christians should stand up for those who are weakest and have no voice”. Police had to protect the event from a violent counter-demonstration.
Sensory Processing Disorder can mean that children or adults have under-developed or over-developed senses.
This year’s Swiss ‘March For Life’ denounced that 9 in 10 babies with Down Syndrome have no chance to live. The police had to protect the event from pro-abortion radicals.
What older generations can be great at is having a heart to help a particular child or young person, having the pastoral skills to see when they are struggling and to help them.
Much of our time as parents of children with additional needs is spent tending to their needs, supporting them. Jesus modelled this in so many ways during his ministry, and during those times that he served people he taught them too.
Jesus message of selflessness, putting others first, serving others, loving others, is counter-cultural in today’s society.
At times, additional needs parents can play many of the familiar roles of circus performers.
James’ journey through life has not been an accident; it has and continues to have purpose.
Yes, he did. He made you perfectly, he made you wonderfully.
The hardest question can be the one from a child themselves… “Why am I different?”
It should be about that genuine, heartfelt, willingness to work together to create an environment where everyone can join in.
“The Bible, a journey through the languages of the world” shows how “Western civilization is built upon Christianity, and its foundations are the Bible”, collector Pere Roquet says.
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