Do migrants, asylum seekers, and refugees feel they can honestly share some of their struggles in our churches or do they feel they will be stereotyped, judged, or misunderstood?
What are the spiritual and theological characteristics of the Russian-speaking diaspora and what explains their tendency to form their own congregations?
Though it is strictly forbidden to evangelize in Somalia, barriers to the gospel are being torn down little by little.
A gathering in Olso brought together 61 Christian leaders from a migrant background. “Many migrants are more bold with their faith and their testimonies. This is a great resource for the churches”.
Despite 47% of residents in the capital of Finland being members of the mainline Lutheran Church, most Christians attend other congregations.
Refugee work must not deenergize Christians, the opposite is true, done properly it will lead to a deeper experience and generate more energy.
The presence of borders invites us into a multi-tribal fellowship in which we can share whatever God has given us.
Since the conflict began, Israel has received over 1,500 Jews from Ukraine, where around 43,000 Jews live.
A model for diaspora hospitality ministry from the peoples church of Toronto. An article by Nestor Abdon.
The muted voices of the church in Europe were heard more prominently in Lausanne Europe 20/21 than at any other European evangelical gathering, but we still have work to do.
German IT engineers are mounting lights, cameras, and computers in Southampton. Some 1,100 evangelical leaders from 40 countries are ready to join online.
Missiologist Jim Memory analyses the main trends in church and society. He will be one of the speakers at this week’s Lausanne Europe 20/21 gathering.
Vista co-editor Jo Appleton, interviews Harvey Kwiyani, CEO of Global Connections, the UK Network for World Mission who recently joined the Vista editorial team.
Global gateway cities and the opportunity for mission. An article by Charles Rijnhart.
It might be more helpful to talk about Europe in the plural, to accept that there are probably several different versions of Europe.
Scripture engagement in the remotest regions of Uzbekistan.
A series of short video documentaries provide cutting-edge information about missiological issues defined in the Cape Town Commitment. The evangelical movement aims to spark thoughtful discussion and action.
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