Authentic expository preaching is not only faithful to the biblical text, but it also requires effective communication from the preacher that emphasizes relevance to the listener.
On 21 January 1525, the first adult baptisms took place in Zurich, initiating a spiritual movement that continues to this day. We talked to Mexican expert Carlos Martínez García about its history, principles and legacy.
What are the spiritual and theological characteristics of the Russian-speaking diaspora and what explains their tendency to form their own congregations?
Is your Bible old and static, or dynamic and relationally connecting?
Why not take the year-end as an opportunity to seek God’s heart about your church, your ministry, and your part in His plans?
As a church, we talk to all because they are loved by God and try to lead them to the faith in Jesus. But we also claim our right to form life from the Holy Scriptures.
You have to think through the situation: who is preaching, to whom, what are they used to, what is the preacher capable of doing, what is the subject matter, etc.
As we take stock after two years of Covid-19 disruption, we will see how local church involvement is critical for all aspects of a healthy life.
There are lots of things to be aware of between the beginning of the service and the sermon itself.
The regional government asks churches to report any newcomers to make sure they undergo PCR tests. The region has experienced three recent outbreaks.
There is a strong connection between what is going on in the preacher and what will go on in the listeners.
“The goal is not only to sing, but to tell what God has done in our lives”, says the director of the Choir of the Reformation of Galicia, one of several groups touring in Spanish regions this year.
Should we talk about the ‘Protestant Reformation’ or the ‘Protestant Reformations’?
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