Evangelical Christians are the biggest faith minority in the country. The steep fall of Roman Catholic believers contrasts with the growth of Atheism.
Young Markus had been an ambitious Muslim. He studied in an Islamic university led by his father and his mission was to reach out to Christian youth and lead them to the “right path”.
The Italian Evangelical Alliance emphasises the “inherent dignity” of all migrants. Family reunification and integration policies should be implemented.
Representatives of 11 countries met in the Czech Republic to discuss the present and future of theological education in Central and Eastern Europe.
Scars can be powerful preaching aids, but open wounds rarely are.
About 400 Christians publicly showed their solidarity with the Persecuted Church in three Swiss cities on Human Rights Day.
“We need a realistic, grounded sense of self that is not pre-occupied with maintaining its own importance, but serving a purpose bigger than ‘me’”, says Psychiatrist Glynn Harrison, author of ‘The Big Ego Trip’.
A starting point: invite a refugee to go with you to visit a museum, watch a football match, share a meal.
This is God’s work, taking whispers from the margins and translating them for many to hear, speaking truth to power.
In New York, 3,500 people from over ninety countries were challenged to have an impact in urban areas in the spheres of action, social involvement and culture. Bill Hybels, Timothy Keller and Mac Pier among more than 50 speakers.
For years I sat and heard messages that seemed to be targeted at someone else (and often that someone else was not there). What a wasted opportunity.
“Organ pillaging in China is a crime in which the Communist Party, the health system, hospitals, and the transplant profession are all complicit”, Human Rights activist David Kilgour tells Canadian lawmakers.
Refugees, politicians, and members of churches listened to each other in Bern. Local projects were awarded for their pioneer work with migrants.
“We commit ourselves afresh to care pastorally for those who are same-sex attracted”, says a statement issued in Cairo (Egypt).
“Too often we hide behind our Christian heritage which is somehow only a kind of folk and nominal version of real Christianity”, says Frank Hinkelmann. Evangelicals should not let fear towards foreigners stop their mission.
The number of Finns who say they believe in the God of Christianity has increased from 27% to 33% in four years. “People are thinking about their relation to the Church”, researcher Kimmo Ketola says.
“Russian evangelical Christians have a call to be model citizens but now they are at risk of being considered lawbreakers for their loyalty to Jesus Christ”, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance says.
“Pray that God will protect the churches in the country”, say believers after 50,000 Muslims rallied against alleged “blasphemy” of Christian Governor of Jakarta Basuki Ahok Thahaja Purnama.
We should be more careful when pointing to the evangelical churches of Colombia as the promoters of the “no”.
Here are some favourites that preachers sometimes find themselves repeating.
In 2011, only 30% of white evangelical Protestants believed “elected officials can behave ethically even if they have committed transgressions in their personal lives”. Now 72% do, says survey.
“The aim of the JDDJ is to find commonalities, not differences. But with that comes a lopsided methodology that obscures those differences”, says theologian Michael Reeves.
A suggestion on how to deal with Halloween and other popular festivals.
Soldiers and priests go into temples for the first time after Daesh (ISIS) lost control of the Christian cities. Courtesy of Open Doors.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance responds to a report published by tabloid ‘Blick’ because it “slanders” the work and leadership of three Christian churches.
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