While the UK imposes sanctions on Patriarch Kirill for supporting the war in Ukraine, the World Council of Churches rejects a ban and hopes to see “dialogue and encounter”.
John Stevens leads the FIEC, one of the church groups escaping the negative trend: “The gospel alone is God’s power for salvation, it is not surprising that faithful churches are growing”.
Hundreds of people took part in the Spain We Pray For You prayer marches held under the theme of “peacemakers” to encourage prayer for “the welfare of the city”.
Being around Christians and using Christian language is not enough. Without a vital personal relationship with Christ, they are merely running on the fumes of Christianity.
The book provides a searching and honest analysis of the deep challenges faced by the church today, and a clear and hopeful vision for where we go next.
The new headquarters of the entity is in Madrid. “We want you to see this place as the home of all who love the Bible”, said the general director.
Evangelical churches acknowledge the serious refugee crisis but “continue to selflessly and tirelessly respond to the overwhelming needs around them”.
Worship album with “lyrics derived from the Scriptures” is released to “express gratitude, concerns and prayers related to the creation God has entrusted to us”.
May our prayers and our advocacy for our suffering brothers and sisters in Algeria be as persistent as those of the Luke 18 widow.
What makes African Christianity different from European Christianity? Where are African churches in Europe growing most and what can they offer to a secularised continent? An interview with the pastor and head of the One People Commission in the UK.
The book of Philemon reminds us that the Gospel speaks of how we can be saved and how we can navigate the messy complexity of human relationships.
Evangelist Franklin Graham was the speaker in the 3 cities. “We are overwhelmed by the engagement of UK churches to help with the follow up”, organisers said.
The AEI federal assembly presented its annual report and its upcoming projects of a humanitarian corridor for Afghan refugees and a protocol to fight abuse.
Historical images of schools founded by Protestant churches have been presented in Barcelona. "They stood out for their innovative teaching methods”, organisers say.
Over 500 representatives of evangelical churches and organisations in Europe attend the European Leadership Forum conference in Poland. A pastor from Kyiv shared details about the response of Christians during the invasion.
The heart of the Ukranian Christian church missionary enterprise is to cross borders instead of erecting them and we in the rest of Europe must support them.
The Talking Jesus report shows that non-Christians like Christians but not the church. It analyses how people come to faith and the conversations about Jesus between Christians and unbelievers.
The Baptist Union of Spain has been in Ukraine monitoring the delivery of humanitarian aid. Amid the need and pain, “the churches there are experiencing a revival”, says Daniel Banyuls.
The Talking Jesus research analyses “the evangelism landscape in the UK today”. 42% say they are non-practising Christians and 16% identify as agnostics or atheists.
They were accused of “unauthorized worship”. The court has upheld the sentence of six months in prison but reduced the fine by half.
According to the authorities, the explosion was caused by a gas leak. The building of a nearby Baptist church was severely damaged.
The church of the pastor was destroyed by fire. A delegation of French evangelicals was visiting the country to discuss the application of the ‘separatism law’ in the overseas region.
The Jericho Foundation started in Edward Road Baptist church as a ‘jobs club’ for the vulnerable and excluded. In the last 15 years, it has directly supported over 8,000 people.
Though fellowship among youth is important, it falls flat if it is not a consequence of developing a strong and loving personal relationships with Christ. By Jad Tabet.
Shibboleth describes the cultural markers which separate “Us” from “Them”. How do the missionally-minded navigate this landscape of shibboleths?
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