‘...and the Christian kingdoms against the Muslim Ummah’. Turkey's challenges seen by Carlos Madrigal, pastor of the Istanbul Protestant Church.
A young company based in Barcelona (Spain) creates digital apps to share biblical stories with children, whilst supporting missionary projects.
An interview Solas Magazine did with Daniel McArthur, general manager of Christian-owned bakery. “The court case has given us many opportunities to speak with friends and colleagues about our personal love of Jesus Christ.”
Christian Action Research & Education (CARE) is seeking to impose similar restrictions on the porn industry as are imposed on the gambling industry .
Child trafficking, forced labour, domestic servitude and trafficking for sexual exploitation, are real problems today. Many events all around Europe have tried to raise awareness about it.
Saying, ‘I want to make the most of life before following God,’ is to have understood nothing about what He is, nor what He gives.
A young Christian managed to get me into his comic book school. I was able to witness to his whole class, in spite of the teacher being visibly ill at ease about God being talked about so freely in his class.
The film which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, “Ida”, is a battle between reason and faith, the body and the spirit, hatred and forgiveness.
John MacArthur is no heretic. He has been faithful to Scripture, he did not deserve such treatment. His gracious response to the ‘prophet’ was praiseworthy.
The Executive Director of John MacArthur’s “Grace to You” ministry severely criticised Evangelical Focus. Director Pedro Tarquis responded by saying that the information was “rigorous and adequate”.
The ‘prophet’ managed to get up to the church’s platform and accused MacArthur saying: “You have grieved the Holy Spirit of God. Your doctrine of cessationism is an error.”
In five minutes, on the podium, it will be the decisive moment. The Spanish are going to hear me for the very first time. Curses, the toilet door is jammed! I am stuck in the loo of a paradise island: highly symbolic!
The leaders of the independence movement in Mexico were fiercely fought by royalist forces, who counted with the staunch support of the authorities of the Catholic Church.
Alice in Wonderland, which is turning 150, shows how children’s literature can raise some of the fundamental questions regarding our existence.
“The suspect has been identified and arrested”, Charleston police chief Greg Mullen confirmed. Church is one of the historic black Christian communities in the South East.
Switchfoot’s frontman publishes a new solo project. Single “Caroline” becomes one of most shared songs on Spotify worldwide.
When God wanted to buy us back from our slavery to sin and wrongdoing, it took much more than money - it took the most precious thing that he could ever find, the blood of his own Son.
A graduate programme across Europe empowers the next generation of Christians as their start their professional life.
Despotic rulers may do as they please, they may acquire great wealth and power; but they will all come to an end.
He is God, and though he is constantly adapting himself to our weakness, he calls us to follow his agenda, rather than him following ours.
Caroline Spelman grew up in a Christian family but in her teens she “rebelled a bit”, wanting to see if “it was still significant to me when I left home to go to University.”
Caroline Spelman, Member of the UK Parliament,shares her testimony about being a Christian in Politics.
Have you ever had a promise from somebody, and you have waited so expectantly for the thing promised: a special present, a new relationship, a new job opportunity?
When we look at the brutal, authoritarian regimes which are persecuting Christians today, whether it is ISIL in Iraq, Syria and Libya, or Kim Jong-Un in North Korea, we do not need to fear or lose our confidence.
The film which won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, “Ida”, is a battle between reason and faith, the body and the spirit, hatred and forgiveness.
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