The event took place in the Cathedral of Faith and was widely covered by the Argentinean media, a sign of the growing importance of the evangelical presence in the country's social life.
The World Evangelical Alliance signed a memorandum with Korean denominations that form the organising committee for the event to be held in Seoul in October 2025.
While we are desperate for a break, and for our son to have access to positive experiences, we won’t compromise on the need for James to be safe and well cared for in any provision offered.
As Christians, we should be thoughtful and prudent. We are against abuse of any kind, but I am concerned that we do not filter our responses well these days.
Fifty people gathered to pray for Pakistan The Italian Evangelical Alliance asks authorities to “implement effective measures to ensure the safety of Christian minorities”.
Benedict XVI died at the end of 2022, but on July 1st, his shadow receded further from the Vatican.
It is crucial to be sure that God is not just The Father in Heaven, or even Jesus’ Father in Heaven, but Our Father in heaven.
The event was attended by around a thousand people, including local authorities of the Spanish city.
Dave Patty, Founder of Josiah Venture, talks about 5 teaching methods Jesus used in the Sermon on the Mount.
Science is beginning to understand the quantum mechanisms of magnetic orientation, but the question of how the young birds know exactly in which direction to orient themselves, remains a mystery.
After a popular consultation on the new ‘Code of Families’, Cubans will vote the final text in a referendum in July. Evangelicals have criticised several parts of the draft law.
The discovery was made during the recovery of a shipwreck off the coast of Caesarea, Israel.
A declaration of the Committee of Evangelical Teachers in Italy (CIEI) about the Global Compact on Education promoted by Pope Francis and signed by representatives of various religions.
It was discovered in Israel, near the site of the Temple in the time of Jesus. Experts said the engraving had never been found on other objects until now.
We have shifted from authorities being respected, to not being respected, to being distrusted and even opposed.
The “extremely rare” inscription from around 1,100 BCE bears the name Jerubbaal, which in the Book of Judges is an alternative name for Gideon.
Here are some concerning features of that strange authority that may be helpful to ponder.
European Muslims are often influenced by Muslim majority nations and transnational movements led by well-known leaders. But statistics do not give any indication of the real religious commitment of Muslims in our continent.
Archaeologists link the “rare and exciting find” to the Geshurites, one of the communities that had diplomatic relations with King David.
The State of Theology survey released by LifeWay Research and Ligonier Ministries “reveals that many evangelicals express erroneous views that mirror the broader U.S. population”.
“The palace was built during the reign of King Hezekiah [...] The level of workmanship is the best seen to date, and the degree of preservation is rare”, archaeologists say.
Vatican I further solidified the nature of the papal office as a quasi-omnipotent and infallible figure.
There are some aspects of our preaching that may be more reflective of our culture than we realize.
The seal impressions found in Jerusalem, “add much information” about the time when the Jews returned from Babylonian exile.
Our point of reference has to remain the Lord and not coronavirus. It’s necessary to affirm God’s control over the whole situation and the need to repent before Him.
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