In spite of some terribly dark days, the Protestant faith keeps pressing on.
One of the last biographies published about the Nobel literature prize winner says that Dylan has never rejected his faith in Jesus. But the lyrics of some of his songs reveal a spiritual battle.
Indonesia, the country with most Muslims in the world, sees the worrying rise of radical Islam. Christians fear demonstrations and new attacks on churches.
It’s the biggest success in Playmobil’s history. Orders come from across the world, they sold 34,000 in the first 3 days.
All of the victims of the attack are members of a Protestant Batak Church, three other children are injured. In recent demonstrations, radical Muslims protested against the influence of Christians.
Why do some people refuse to believe in God?
The well-known and respected Canadian singer and songwriter has died at 82.
If the Lutheran and Catholic traditions seek “full unity,” they must arrive at the same understanding of salvation and authority. An opinion article sent by Andrew Messmer, one of our readers.
Am I actually / really competent at anything? / How does it feel to be a grown up?
“Pray that God will protect the churches in the country”, say believers after 50,000 Muslims rallied against alleged “blasphemy” of Christian Governor of Jakarta Basuki Ahok Thahaja Purnama.
The new song of Spanish folk band ‘Papel Maché’ is about the hope of life after death.
Pope Francis and Lutheran leaders celebrated an ecumenical service in the Cathedral of Lund (Sweden). They signed a joint statement “to move towards the communion to which God continually calls us.”
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Many celebrate #ReformationDay worldwide. Martin Luther was not aware of how his 95 theses would change Germany and the rest of Europe.
Just how well do you know the Wittenberg Reformer, Martin Luther?
Soldiers and priests go into temples for the first time after Daesh (ISIS) lost control of the Christian cities. Courtesy of Open Doors.
Why are so many evangelical Christians worried about the growing unity between Protestants and Roman Catholics? We ask Leonardo De Chirico, one of the theologians behind the “Is the Reformation Over?” document.
“We have always said it was never about the customer, it was about the message”, the McArthur family said. Judges state that refusing the order “was direct discrimination”. 9 out of 10 evangelical Christians support the family, says survey.
How can we work towards a new Reformation?
Am I building my Babel? / Brick upon brick / Constructing an edifice / Of my own achievement.
The book fair has more than 7,000 exhibitors on site. The German Bible Society offered a special beer in celebration of the 500 years since the start of the Protestant Reformation.
Tim Stewart has been the guide of the Spanish paralympian Martin Parejo, in Rio 2016. He explains how his faith helped him overcome the disappointment of not reaching the expected results.
Where is the Roman church headed After Vatican II? An interview with Leonardo de Chirico.
Students and young graduates will participate in the Biblenomics conference in Berlin (Germany), October 21-23. Economist Arttu Makipaa shares the vision behind this European network.
I wish I could whisper to your desires, ‘There is more. Much more.’
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