On August 8, the Argentinian Senate will decide about the abortion Bill. “We need to make that voice of the unborn heard”, one of the pastors who organised the march said.
The Mayoress of the city, Ada Colau, said: “This is an act of justice with Protestantism and with the city, which cannot deny that part of itself”.
“It is still easy to succumb to the powerful marketing and cheap prices of fast fashion”, says Corban Bryant, founder of a fair trade garment company in Nepal.
Businesses like Purnaa, Made in Freedom and Roam Living are helping to change the textile industry by offering good jobs in a context dominated by exploitation.
“The response of pastors and churches was excellent”, says promoter of the marches Hugo Marquez in an interview.
A generation that accepts uncritically that ‘you can’t say that’ will slide from unwillingness to inability to disagree with or critique the propaganda it is relentlessly fed.
A gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire outside Marmina church and nearby shop. More than 100 Christians have been killed in Egypt in the past year.
The annual event organised by evangelical churches of many denominations used the opportunity to pray for the country.
It is unusual that the Council of a big Spanish city officially promotes and supports an evangelical event.
It is estimated that over 100 million people in the majority world base their livelihoods on locally mining gold, precious stones, and other high-value minerals with minimal equipment, capital, and training.
France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK will face court action if they don't set out plans to cut NO2 emissions.NO2 caused almost 70,000 premature deaths in Europe in 2013.
The Bible Society of Egypt says devaluation of the national currency is a challenge: costs of production have increased.
Transgenderism is the next major issue that Christians are going to have to come to grips with – theologically, morally, medically, legally and pastorally. Many in our churches have been taken by surprise.
The World Evangelical Alliance and other evangelical groups ask governments to protect the Christian minorities.
Secretary General of the Bible Society of Egypt, Ramez Atallah underlines the “general denouncing of this tragic incident by Muslims in all media”.
Twenty-five were killed on Sunday, mostly women and children. The government does not protect the Christian minority well enough, protesters say. Islamic radicals target their homes and businesses.
“We commit ourselves afresh to care pastorally for those who are same-sex attracted”, says a statement issued in Cairo (Egypt).
“Interdependence is a Christian principle, it’s good to learn from what is happening across Europe”, says video artist John Lumgair.
More than 230 are wounded. Turkish officials have confirmed 13 foreign nationals were killed in the attack. All signs point to Daesh .
Air pollution is responsible for 9% of mortality in France, according to a study made public this week. The only things that are more deadly to the French are tobacco and alcohol.
The Association of Evangelicals in Africa encourages local churches in the continent and other Christians to pray and give to the project.
How John Owen can help us steer clear from the danger of apostasy.
Christian volunteers from Korce (Albania) serve in the well-known camp in Greece. In weekly teams of 10 people they work with a Children's Corner. “SD memory Cards which contain the Jesus film and Bible in Arabic” are given to some adults.
The people of the “capital of Europe”, natives and European workers are mourning separately because they do not speak the same language and their frame of reference is different.
We want to become reliable moral figures by just saying some appropriate words, but the authentic change will come when we all kneel down before the Golgotha cross.
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