Keily Murillo tells the testimony of how a raging fire changed her business vision and brought her closer to God.
Muriel Furrer, a young cyclist in Switzerland, died while competing in the World Championships. She was 18 years old and had a deep faith in Christ, which she often expressed on social media.
The type of family that has grown the most is that made up of a single parent with one or more children.
Vaughan Roberts reminded that the biblical truth about sexuality is “good news”. Other major contemporary challenges - social inequality, poverty, climate change - were addressed on the first full day at Lausanne 4 in South Korea.
Kari Clewett, a psychologist and sexologist, publishes ‘The Good Sex’, a reflection that seeks to motivate the church to recover the meaning of sexuality designed by God.
In preaching, whichever camp you choose to set up your homiletical tent in, be sure to benefit from what is good about the other group too.
Adaptive leadership is a way to ensure that a church, mission agency, or organization thrives no matter how stormy the times are characterized by local and global realities.
Decisions such as ending the ban on performing same-sex marriages, or the ordination of LGTBQI+ people, could lead more people to abandon the Methodist churches, which suffered a schism in 2019.
Rethinking the international agency model in the pursuit of mutual mission sending partnerships.
The Shem Tov Bible, written in 1312 featuring Jewish, Christian, and Islamic artistic styles, “is an essential piece of religious history”, experts say.
If my heart is concerned about what people think of me, I may well be blind to the truth of the text I claim to understand and then proclaim to others.
One day in heaven we will meet people like David's brave warriors, who weren't frightened of obeying their king, even if it meant losing their lives.
‘In order to plan for a better life, we must stop and listen to the voice of God’, says Ilsen Canizares, a Christian doctor specialising in healthy ageing.
After 13 years of work, one of the largest indigenous communities in Colombia will be able to read the entire Bible in their native language.
Herrnhut, recognised as a World Heritage Site, was established by refugees fleeing from the Catholic Counter-Reformation in Bohemia and Moravia.
We must be incarnational, engaging in civil society and promoting social cohesion as peacemakers while revealing the hope of the kingdom in Christ.
It may be that the turbulent times stir previously comfortable hearts to a new level of openness. When those moments come, we must offer Jesus to a needy world.
Don't think you will find God in romance. Don't believe in the Romantic Solution as a blueprint for life and redemption.
The Anglican Church of Pakistan welcomes an initiative that will “pave the way for unified action on forced conversions of underage girls and misuse of the blasphemy laws”.
Spain is to set up an app to limit access to pornography, but experts see loopholes. “We have to change the culture from the bottom up”, says a Christian leader.
I hope it highlighted the challenges, but also the joys, of our story, and echoed the stories of families like ours across the country.
A survey finds that the image of Swiss evangelical free churches has improved, specially among young people aged 18 to 39.
“Most children whose feelings do not align with their biological sex will solve those incongruencies after the normal developmental process of puberty”, the institution says.
Only in relatively recent times has much of education become secularised. Compulsory and universal education is simply taken for granted. But how did we get there?
Friendship, faithfulness, forgiveness and acceptance are no more than different faces of true love.
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