Russian authorities speak of 49 injured after blast near central metro station. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev described it as a “terrorist attack.”
“This kind of precedent is highly frightening and raises the question of who’s next”, says Evangelical-Baptist leader Vitaly Vlasenko.
Gavin Matthews on Arkady Ostrovsky’s The Invention of Russia.
“Russian evangelical Christians have a call to be model citizens but now they are at risk of being considered lawbreakers for their loyalty to Jesus Christ”, the Spanish Evangelical Alliance says.
It appears once again as if the Russian state will be moving simultaneously in opposite directions. Restrictive measures are combined with financial support for Protestant and multi-confessional projects.
Election in Crimea is questioned by many states. Only 47% of population voted. Evangelical Christians suffer under anti-evangelism law.
The law that makes evangelism illegal has come into force in Russia, on Wednesday 20th July. The situation is still better than in the URSS days, says evangelist Alex Jaruchik.
“Russian Evangelicals are not problematic and radicalised citizens and they should not be treated that way”, says Thomas Bucher, the General Secretary of the European Evangelical Alliance.
A Commentary on Russia’s new anti-terror legislation. By expert William Yoder.
“The European Evangelical Alliance is extremely concerned about Russia’s new anti-terrorism law, which greatly restricts religious freedom”. Evangelism is no longer allowed outside religious buildings.
“It’s not going to stop us from worshipping and sharing our faith. The Great Commission isn’t just for a time of freedom”, Russian evangelicals say.
Any missionary or national believer must secure a government permit to share the gospel. Letter by Christian leaders: "Vladimir [Putin], on behalf of thousands of evangelical Protestants, we ask you not to allow this repressive and unconstitutional law to be adopted."
The distribution of literature by three Baptist Christians could be considered a picket.
Evangelical groups fear “legitimisation of persecution”. 3,000 Baptist churches write to Putin: “If the country’s laws are in conflict with the Bible… Christians will always take the biblical position”.
USA plans to deploy battle tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other heavy weapons in ally countries bordering with Russia.
“The Russian Orthodox Church works tirelessly to bring unity and to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism”, Putin said.
The Ukraine-Russia agreement includes the removal of heavy weapons and the release of all prisoners.
Germany and France join in to close a peace deal in Minsk. Civilians seek refuge across Russian border. More than 5,000 killed in the conflict.
A Christianity Today article suggests most of evangelical leaders in Russia whole-heartedly support their president's action. Evangelical journalists and ministry workers in Ukraine see Putin as the biggest threat to peace in the region.
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