Debora means “bee”, an animal regarded by the Hebrews as organised, wise and hard-working.
“The historic positions on biblical unity and biblical confrontation of errors that the Alliance has stood for over a hundred years seem now to be eroded and replaced by ecumenical attitudes”. World Evangelical Alliance responds: “The concerns raised are being taken very seriously”.
The annual event organised by evangelical churches of many denominations used the opportunity to pray for the country.
The key question is whether Catholicism can consider popular Protestantism as God´s work. It is the same question that many traditional Protestant denominations also ask themselves.
Let the Reformation continue… yes, but let it continue in the gospel terms of Scripture alone and Faith alone.
The 2013 document, signed by the Lutheran World Federation and the Roman Catholic Church in preparation for the 2017 Reformation anniversary, indicates the goal of an ecumenical trajectory for the two church bodies.
About 70 people from European countries met at the Younger Leaders Gen gathering in Hungary (19-22 October) to discuss the challenges of the church in the continent and build partnerships. Photos: Evi Rodemann and Jari Sippola.
What if, when a police chief or politician spoke about human trafficking, we were ready to respond with our stories and expertise?
The World Evangelical Alliance and the Vatican issue a joint document on ‘Scripture and Tradition’ and ‘the Church in Salvation’.
How Lloyd-Jones can help the evangelical church today.
Evangelist Michael Green speaks on how to mobilise the local church for effective evangelism.
The 8th Evangelical Congress was held, a Festival of Hope celebrated Jesus in the centre of Madrid. A commemorative service gathered 8,000. “Spanish society benefits from the action of evangelical churches”, says Justice Minister.
The Catholic Charismatic Renewal movement gathered thousands to celebrate its 50 years of existence. Pentecostal leader Giovanni Traettino: “Let’s walk together towards the unity of the faith.”
A Cameroonian studying in a French university and a Serbian High School student share their impressions after the European Student Evangelism conference “Presence 2017”.
“You are never going to be a healthy community if you think of the church as a place”, says pastor Connie Duarte in an interview about how to live in community as the Body of Christ.
“You need unity in leadership, a clear vision, and people to see a church growing”, says church planter Oivind Augland, in an interview about church planting and growth.
Paul instructed his readers to pray for the authoritarian leaders of his day, so that the ‘soft powers’ of the gospel–love, truth and justice–could prevail.
“Unique” was the theme of this year’s Week of Prayer in Europe. A summary of the highlights in Italy, Austria, Spain, Switzerland and the Czech Republic.
A fresh look at the infamous Down-Grade controversy.
With Pope Francis the Roman Catholic Church is simply becoming more “catholic”, i.e. embracing and absorbing all, without losing its being “Roman”.
If the Lutheran and Catholic traditions seek “full unity,” they must arrive at the same understanding of salvation and authority. An opinion article sent by Andrew Messmer, one of our readers.
A suggestion on how to deal with Halloween and other popular festivals.
More than 20 countries were represented at the European Evangelical Alliance General Assembly 2016. The “identity of Europe” and the Christian response to several challenges was discussed in Colares (Portugal).
“It is when all the ‘pieces’ come together that our response is really relevant and can have an impact on every level - locally, nationally, regionally and globally”, says WEA Communications Director Timothy Goropevsek.
An interview with the author of ‘The Scarlet Woman’, Keith Malcomson
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