“This is a milestone in the history of Spanish universities”, says the coordinator of the degree in Religious Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia and doctor of philosophy, has surprisingly recounted in his blog how, when and why he made the decision to follow Jesus.
You need someone who won't try to fool you, but examines your heart: you need God.
As the Dutch led the way in shipping, map-making, navigation, trade, art and science, new ideas about God, man and the cosmos were conceived by Amsterdam-based thinkers like Descartes, Locke and Spinoza.
In Berlin, an exhibition shows death up close and personal. It’s certainly not for everyone, but still a fascinating experience.
Utilitarian approaches often involve sacrificing some for the benefit of a majority. Singer’s proposals undermine the dignity and rights of some for the benefit of others.
When we survey the treatment that God has received from philosophers down through the millennia, it is not hard agree with Unamuno’s assessment of the god of philosophy as “a dead thing”.
Plotinus is regarded as the founding father of Neo-Platonism, and influenced Saint Augustin’s thought, maybe even after the latter’s conversion to Christianity.
Who or what is the “god of the philosophers”? When we find references to “god” in the ancient teaching of oriental, Indian and Greek thinkers, who or what, are they referring to?
With the appointment of Anne-Nicole Heinrich, the institution aims to send a message of “missionality and inclusion”.
The purpose of this article is to show ten ways in which Greco-Roman philosophy, religion, and worldview influenced Christian theology.
All his contradictions are no more than the expression of a philosophy centred in freedom of choice – and choices may vary according to circumstances or historical moments.
We need a deeper understanding which transcends the distorted reflections of ourselves that we find in our own technology.
The Unamuno Prize was given to philosopher and university professor José Luis Villacañas, for “his brave defense of the memory of Protestantism as an integral part of the history of Spain”.
Since 2006, news website Protestante Digital gives the award to non-Protestant Spaniards who work for religious freedom and coexistence.
The Brazilian physicist defends “a complementary approach to knowledge, especially on questions where science cannot provide a final answer”.
To believe or not to believe, that is not the question. The question, instead, is: what to believe?
Ferry, like so many, does not seriously consider Christianity’s truth claims; he simply does not believe.
The purpose of the world is a grand but also a personal question.
Francis’ masterpiece turns fifty-years old.
All the thinkers who laid the first foundations of human rights were not moralising in a vacuum.
“Somewhere in the French psyche, there is this idea that we are not sinful”, says pastor David Brown.
We feel pressured to live and work as a salvation project where I’m the hero of my own story.
The story of “A High Wind in Jamaica” (Richard Hughes, 1929) might sound like a comedy, but it is in fact a drama of great cruelty, capable of making the skin of most insensitive readers crawl.
It is easy to deconstruct other points of view but what about your own views?
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