Don’t let your homiletical skill get ahead of biblical and theological awareness. People will praise a public speaker, but they need a preacher who is biblically and theologically healthy.
There is “a real appetite for the Bible and for training to communicate it more effectively”, believes Peter Mead.
How should Christians and non-believers think about family life and the state? With Peter Saunders (CEO, CMF), Tarjei Gilje (journalist, Dagen), Paul Susman (Legal officer, European Comission), Einar C. Salvesen (Psychologist, Columbia Consulting Ltd.) and Adam Szabados (pastor, Evangelical Church Veszprém). Recorded in Wisla, Poland, during ELF 2016.
A closer look at Heinrich Bullinger, Theodore Beza, Thomas Cranmer, William Perkins and Conrad Grebel.
A 21-minute short film features U2 frontman Bono and theologian Eugene Peterson talking about how the Psalms have impacted their lives.
A FOCL webinar by Dr. Drake Williams examines claims about false authorship of the New Testament letters and how widespread these claims are.
Pastor Peter Mead (UK) explains how understanding the Trinity has implications on how we understand the character of God.
Does Matthew 16 Support the Doctrine of the Papacy?
The Ukraine-Russia agreement includes the removal of heavy weapons and the release of all prisoners.
Germany and France join in to close a peace deal in Minsk. Civilians seek refuge across Russian border. More than 5,000 killed in the conflict.
The stance of scientists created huge pressure for MPs who risked being labelled ‘ignorant’ or uncaring for objecting. But the question is not nearly as simple as it looks on first appearance. These new regulations are dangerous.
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