We need to learn to appreciate the richness of the language communities in our churches and neighbourhoods, and to build bridges over those borders.
Vitaly Vlasenko, a pastor in Moscow, in an open letter: “As a citizen, I apologize to all those who have suffered, lost loved ones and relatives, or lost their place of residence”.
“We need to repent for what we have done, first to God and then to the people of Ukraine”, pastors write in an open letter. Russian authorities impose new restrictions on freedom of speech.
In Russia, evangelical Christians are asking Vladimir Putin to seek a negotiation to “find a peaceful solution”.
Spanish evangelicals denounce that “fundamental freedoms are at risk”, due to “authoritarian” legislative initiatives and “demand for all the right to think differently and to freely express it”.
A 2022 report by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity shows that Pentecostals are the fastest growing Christian denomination worldwide.
An armed group, trying to steal the offering and the attendees, stormed an all-night outdoor worship event with thousands of people.
The Pentecostal leader helped US Assemblies of God grow in areas like church planting and ethnic diversity.
African theologians Harvey Kwiyani and Abraham Waigi assess Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka’s harsh criticism of the increasing influence of churches on the continent
The trial against the Christian parliamentarian charged with “ethnic agitation” against homosexuals will start in January.
Church trends in the 21st century.
The formation and scope of a distinctive spirituality. An article by Daewon Moon.
Reflections on the problem of evil and the might of God.
The Baptist Union reported slight losses and the Pentecostal Union experienced a strong growth. In 2019, the Catholic and the Protestant Churches lost over 270,000 members each.
The intersection between spiritual warfare and Christian mission, from an African perspective.
A radical feminist group claims the attack. It caused damages of 40,000 Euro, but pastor says the church “hopes and prays for a peaceful coexistence” in Tübingen.
The German-American preacher dedicated most years of his ministry to preach the gospel in the African continent.
A study shows that evangelical churches give migrants “the opportunity to integrate into the community and establish relationships”. It calls the political authorities to use these opportunities better.
At least 20 big events were held in open air locations, with music, preaching and food. 90 pastors baptised around 500 people in the Elb river.
Professor John Lennox examines the three supernatural events in the first three chapters of Acts: Jesus' ascension, the Holy Spirit's descent at Pentecost, and the healing of a lame man by the Apostles.
The flagship theological schools of the Pentecostal Union and the Baptist Union in Moscow have been banned from admitting students.
“Christian history is often just a cultural decoration”, says German theologian Evi Rodemann in response to a Pew Research survey which confirms the rapid decline of Protestantism.
Most administrative prosecutions end in punishment. Many are prosecuted for sharing their faith on the street. “Believers go out to share their faith less often, and give out publications or invitations less openly”.
There have been repeated raids on churches by the Luhansk People's Republic. Authorities announced the ban of the “destructive activity of the extremist Ukrainian Union of Evangelical Churches”.
The first joint congress of missions of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship and the Pentecostal World Fellowship was held in Madrid.
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