“Like a tree planted beside flowing streams...”
In Moses’s own language, the singular word for “onion” is bétsel, while the plural form is betsalim, which comes from the root batsal, meaning “to peel”.
An honest look at the Jewish Scriptures.
Moses is silent, then acts on what he hears from the Lord, and so experiences one of the most remarkable deliverances the world has ever seen (Exodus 14:19-31).
When we respond in faith to God’s prompting, who knows how far the influence of our actions will go?
What is a Christian response to the bewildering parliamentary pantomime we’re currently watching of MPs trying to deal with Brexit?
According to the YouVersion Bible App, this verse “was shared, bookmarked and highlighted more than any other this year”.
We human beings like simple moral choices, where one side is clearly Bad, with a capital B, the other is Good, with a capital G, and the Good wins.
A rare copy of the first Bible to be printed in English has been auctioned. It is only the fourth copy to appear on the market since the 1970s.
Every one of our good characteristics has a flip side.
Prophets and solitude.
Are there witches or people practising magic today, or is it all one big hoax or delusion?
A relief in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum captures Sennacherib’s pride and character.
Exodus 4:24-26: Those three short verses are the only place in the biblical narrative where Zipporah is recorded as having done anything, but how important was her contribution!
Straightaway he replies, “Here I am”, and that begins a conversation with God which ends up with him choosing to abandon his comfortable lifestyle and to lead the Israelites out of slavery.
Moses learnt that, as Hudson Taylor was fond of saying, God’s work done in God’s way never lacks God’s supply.
There were insects that could be eaten, such as various types of winged locusts, which the New Testament also refers to as the food that John the Baptist ate.
In Western Europe today the majority of the church is made up of the relatively wealthy middle classes.
How can we be more aware of God’s constant presence with us and of the pattern of his working in the spheres in which we live our life?
Why is it that, despite feeding on decomposing animal flesh, vultures never catch any diseases?
A couple of years ago a Syrian pastor from Damascus preached at my church and told us a story that I will never forget.
Outside of Genesis, what do we know about the flood?
Henna is only referred to twice in the Song of Songs (chapter 1:14 and 4:13), in relation to beauty, fragrance and love.
It is very important to answer this question, especially if one wants to argue for the possibility of the existence of a written Torah prior to 1000 BCE.
There is only one verse in the Bible where cotton is mentioned (Esther 1 v 6), although many versions translate it as linen.
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