‘Out’ is Disney Pixar’s first film with a homosexual couple in the main role. Margunn S. Dahle, a researcher in media, children and worldviews, gives answers to questions that many parents may ask.
Refugee Sunday will be on 21 June. In a new document about the refugee crisis, European evangelicals call “to pray, consider your country’s response and speak up”.
A 2019 report of the Observatory for Religious and Conscience Freedom warns that the violent attacks against places of worship have increased.
According to Alpha UK, more than 1,600 people are now registered to a course. "We have never done Alpha online before, but I think online courses are here to stay”.
Roxana Stanciu (CARE) analyses hate speech and how can Christians respond to it. “Christians should be ready to be offended and to engage in meaningful conversations”.
The de-escalation is taking place in parallel to new massive demonstrations. “We want to grow in maturity and our love for the Lord at this time, so that we can withstand whatever changes that might come”, says a pastor.
The World Evangelical Alliance laments “the recent killing of a black unarmed man, a symptom of the racial injustice that continues to exist”. Furthermore, the body representing 42,000 US churches also calls “for justice for victims and their families”.
The first Sunday of reopening was May 24, but several churches waited another week. “Returning was a mixture of feelings between joy and pain”, church members said.
Trump and his misuse of the Bible are a distraction in the challenging task of inviting people to approach the Word of God without prejudices.
“Floyd was a person of peace, that helped the gospel go forward”, said pastor Patrick Ngwolo, who had worked with Floyd.
Efraim Tendero will end his task in front of the World Evangelical Alliance in early 2021, after six years of service.
What should happen as restrictions are loosened and as impatience for normality grows? Can Christians continue to promote both freedom and responsibility?
The U.S. Agency for International Development sent a letter to UN Secretary General, asking “to drop the provision of abortion as a priority to respond to the pandemic”.
Italy, Spain and Greece have received increasing numbers of migrants and refugees. But 6 in 10 trafficking victims in Europe are EU citizens.
It is crucial to understand that the Roma are not homogenous but are different minority groups dispersed over numerous countries and continents.
As Christians in today’s culture, we need to have an awareness of the competing gods of digital Babylon. If we actively serve the gods of Europe, we may in the end find ourselves not worshiping the God of the Universe.
The “potentially harmful statements” were aired by LoveWorld, a broadcaster owned by a Nigerian megachurch.
The document by Spanish Christian psychologists was first translated into English, and now into Russian, Slovak, and other languages. “We want it to continue spreading for good, either for this crisis or for any future crisis”.
The German Evangelical Alliance had previously said that “the planned law is not coherent with its assumptions. We advocate for freedom of choice”.
Nothing can compare to the security of our relationship with him and the peace that he puts in our hearts.
Homeless people “are much more deprived and vulnerable than before because of the epidemic”, a worker of Christian organisation Ágape +, says.
There are differences in the expected dates but evangelical organisations are already offering specific recommendations to churches.
The still-burning Amazon fires are only a part of an increasing planetary crisis, and raise important questions about an appropriate Christian response.
Both authors wrote the books at the end of March. “Christians are able to feel peace, even in an uncertain world”, says Lennox. Piper wants to “provide a God centred place to stand in such fragile times”.
Italian pastors across many denominations continue to praise the Lord’s faithfulness in historically unifying them in prayer.
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