Police officials assured church leaders that they were aware of Hindu extremist opposition to Christianity, but they gave no indication of investigating and putting an end to it.
Christians were dragged to the village leaders and forced to sit and bow to the goddess idol. Police decline to act, sources say.
Rev. Iftikhar Indryas, founder of the New Covenant Christian School, explains the issues the educational project is facing. He calls to pray for the “spiritual, physical and intellectual well-being” of Pakistani Christians.
In the Chhattisgarh state, villagers attacked the homes of three Christian families, leaving 25 people homeless. Death threats are followed by reconversion rituals.
“Modi’s government has closed its eyes when minorities have been attacked”, says the Evangelical Fellowship India.
The Hindu fundamentalism or Hindutva has important implications for India and global mission.
“If Prime Minister Modi wins again, the persecution of Christians in India will continue to grow”, says Vijayesh Lal, General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. Voting will finish on May 19.
A Hindu extremist practice of turning animistic villagers against Christians has intensified in Jharkhand, as general elections are underway through May.
The Evangelical Fellowhsip of India publishes a detailed report of attacks against Christians in 2018. They ask the government to “ensure the rule of law and the security of religious minorities”.
Ab Shaik is a former Muslim from India. His mission, he explains, is to bring the power of the gospel to others who belong to his own people.
Hard-line Hindus tore down a church building in southern India because it was built on the west side of a village, which they said violated Hindu principles of placement and positioning, sources said.
According to World Watch List, released today by Open Doors International, 4,305 people died in 2018 because of their Christian faith. Christian persecution has drastically increased.
“Until my Lord provides us a building, we will continue serving the Lord. It is fine even if we do not have shelter, we will not stop worshipping Him. We are ready to die for Christ”, a pastor in the Tamil Nadu state says.
The Christian leader was attacked while driving with family in a car. The police later found out that a hacker had spread an anti-Hindu message through Whatsapp using his phone number.
The Religious Liberty Commission of Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) denounces a “systematic campaign” against Christians. There have been 44 attacks in 2 months in Uttar Pradesh.
The World Evangelical Alliance denounced at the UN Human Rights Council that people in these Asian countries “are experiencing more and more restrictions on freedom of religion or belief”.
How the gospel transforms the Untouchable to the Touched-by-Grace.
After false media reports of large-scale, fraudulent conversions there have been multiple area reports of disrupted worship meetings, pastors and evangelists arrested and Christian leaders fleeing their homes to avoid arrest.
All opposition parties claim the vote was rigged. At least 31 died in a terrorist attack on election day in Quetta.
Religious identity, nationalism, and violence.
How is it possible to conceive that intelligent people could worship Osho as a god? Because, like Sheela, by worshiping him they were serving themselves.
So far this year, there have been 32 cases of verified attacks on Christians in Tamil Nadu, the most in any southern state in India.
Businesses like Purnaa, Made in Freedom and Roam Living are helping to change the textile industry by offering good jobs in a context dominated by exploitation.
Some 54% of India faces extremely high water stress. The crisis has become increasingly evident in recent years as much of central India is facing a severe water shortage.
Sitxty to seventy angry Hindu extremists were waiting for a group that was on a trip to a Christian camp.
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