In France, some football players not only fight to lift the tournament trophy for their national teams but also bear testimony of their faith in Jesus.
In Wittenberg, the German President highlighted the importance of Luther’s Bible translation and spoke of how the “priesthood of all believers” brought sense of individual freedom.
What are the challenges and opportunities that come with the arrival of thousands of refugees to Germany? How can we make sure Muslim asylum seekers understand religious freedom? Marcel Fink (S.A.M.) gives some answers. Watch video (5 min).
An article by The Guardian documents new conversions. “Jesus Christ said ‘those who use the sword will die by the sword’. This really changed my mind”, a refugee tells the British newspaper.
German magazine Stern reports about 80 refugees from Iran and Afghanistan being baptised in Hamburg. New believers are seen with suspicion by those who think they changed their faith for political reasons. They also face threats of other refugees.
More than 1,575 refugees per 100,000 of Sweden’s population claimed asylum last year. But just how large is Europe’s Muslim population, and how fast is it growing?
First integration law in German history will facilitate refugees to live and work in the country, if they learn about language and culture.
A group moved to Germany without permission. Interior Minister says the refugees abused Czech solidarity and announces tougher measures.
“The state must assume its responsibility”, CDU leader Volker Kauder said in a guest article for the German newspaper “Welt am sonntag”. He praises Open Doors and encourages local churches to get more involved.
A survey shows 7 in 10 free evangelical churchgoers believe “Jesus is the Son of God.” 1 in 3 citizens in the East of the country think Jesus never existed.
Social media users share great ‘Aurora Borealis’ pictures.
“Refugees need to learn the language, and how to survive in the society to which they arrived”, says Vimal Vimalasekaran, a former Tamil refugee. He now works among asylum seekers in Germany.
How should we integrate asylum seekers coming to Europe? Vimal Vimalasekaran (European Christian Mission) shares his story as a former refugee and gives answers.
Joseph Fiennes is a Roman Centurion tasked with finding the corpse of Jesus Christ after his resurrection. The film will be released in European countries throughout March.
Several dozen were severely injured after two commuter trains collided head-on in the German state of Bavaria, an accident which was “among the worst in the region”, the police said.
Around 26,000 unaccompanied children entered Europe last year. Most of them are targeted by criminal gangs. Some have been sexually exploited, Europol informed.
The discoveries were made by the CSNTM. The oldest manuscript dates from the 7th century. More than 90 New Testament texts have been found since 2002.
A majority votes to change the policy in the synod of the big regional German Protestant Church, which claims 2.6 million members.
Hundreds will spend Christmas in churches, the social welfare organisation of the official Protestant church explained.
The opening night filled a stadium in Dortmund (Germany). A 3,200-strong choir is key of the musical written by prominent musical producers.
The church in Oberhausen has temporary removed altars and pulpits, “just to make the Muslim migrants feel at home.” They will provide free shelter, meals and laundry. In Greece, an Orthodox church has been turned into a small hospital.
Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner said the fence will be meant to ensure controlled, orderly entry into Austria, not to keep migrants out altogether.
100 people were involved in the fight, and 3 were injured. 250,000 people have passed through the Balkans since mid-September alone.
More than 15,000 rally in Dresden, supporting Pegida. There was also a anti-PEGIDA demonstration, which attracted 15,000-19,000 people.
National “Youth Study” interviews population aged 12 to 25. In contrast with Christians, 75% of young Muslims see their faith in Allah as a priority.
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