Will you, like Israel in Hosea's time, become increasingly confident in what you have gained? Or will you remember your origins, where you have come from, and so keep yourself humble before your God?
David Robertson (Solas Centre for Public Christianity) responds to media scrutiny of new British Liberal Party leader. Read transcription of the BBC2 interview.
The dominant ideology of today’s Europe: growth as our guarantee of existential security in the present and eschatological hope for the future. Christians have an extraordinary message of extraordinary hope at times of crisis.
God is love. We often find this difficult to comprehend, especially when faced with hard circumstances, because our understanding of his love is so small. We find it hard to grasp how he can hold light and love in balance.
Where faith in the public square is discussed in the United Kingdom, it is approached at best from the perspective of a social scientist doing research on an alien species. At worst, faith positions are attacked as dangerous departures from the neo-liberal consensus.
Are all the questions raised in British media about the Christian faith of the new Liberal Party leader Tim Farron fair? David Robertson, evangelical believer and moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, shares his views in a BBC interview.
What is it that has made Bob Dylan’s music so attractive to the last three generations? And what happened to his faith after he professed conversion in 1979?
Sometimes we hold on to the theory that if we love and obey God, everything in our life will turn out well. This is not true. It is a mistake to say that God is a form of security against all harm.
In five minutes, on the podium, it will be the decisive moment. The Spanish are going to hear me for the very first time. Curses, the toilet door is jammed! I am stuck in the loo of a paradise island: highly symbolic!
Europe needs Christians who are willing to speak out.
We then stray from our own objectives, and so we have our prize taken away. In the 'Olympics' of our spiritual life, materialism stops us from participating and gaining medals.
We can sow to please our sinful nature or sow to please the Spirit - in both cases we should be aware of what we are sowing for. Our sowing has consequences in the future.
Alice in Wonderland, which is turning 150, shows how children’s literature can raise some of the fundamental questions regarding our existence.
Christian businessmen tell the BBC how their Christian faith affects important decisions. “Values are passed down.”
So, what are your life goals at this moment in time? To get a better job? To get married? To move to a bigger house or flat? To get a better car? To have children? To pass your exams?
Economics should take into account the relational aspect of men as it structures society for human flourishing.
In the Western world today you will not find in public places very many idols of the type that you can see in Nepal. Does this mean that the West is superior and has largely got rid of its idols? Not at all!
InterVarsity student groups had been ejected from all 19 California State campuses after a controversial new policy which forced them to accept non-Christians in leadership.
Everyone has within them the image of their creator, and everyone around us can recognise God's love when they see it reflected in our actions.
Why don't you ask God to give you a 'roadworthiness check' and see if there is anything that needs putting right? Like me, you may be surprised at what he puts his finger on.
Frankenstein is one of the strongest warnings against the horror of trying to play God.
Only God is the one that can truly help someone that has sinned, when humans try and fix a problem without God it ends up getting much worse. When we forgive others we also release ourselves from bondage and open the door for God to bring healing to our heart.
Have you ever tried to bargain with God? If you do this for me, if you give me this healing, I will sacrifice something for you, do something that I think you will like. It doesn’t work.
Undergoing spiritual training in our devotion to God means letting our character be moulded to Christ's image, allowing our lives to come under the control of the Holy Spirit, that all might see in us the love of the Father.
When I worked in the European Commission one of the most tense times was when the annual promotion list was being published. The competition to get on the list and so rise up a grade was intense.
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