Over 640 verified incidents against Christians are documented in a new report of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. “Many victims are too afraid to file complaints due to fear of police inaction, intimidation, or retaliation”.
More than 400 influential Christian leaders and 30 church groups sent an urgent appeal the last week of December to the president and the prime minister of India.
The coalition led by prime minister Narendra Modi still has a majority but failed in its expectations after losing 67 seats. “For many Christians, the loss brings a sense of relief”.
The polls in the most popullated country in the world show another victory for the Hindutva nationalism of Narendra Modi. “Religious freedom is important and under threat”, say evangelicals.
The Supreme Court of India has directed the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) to obtain information from 8 states.
While the state of Karnataka passes an 'anti-conversion' law, evangelicals denounce the government “is empowering lynch mobs to target the next Christian they see”.
The regional government is due to approve a controversial anti-conversion law. “Christians have reasons to apprehend an outbreak of violence against them”, says the Evangelical Fellowship of India.
In Glasgow, it was so encouraging to see Christian young people across the world and especially in the UK taking this up and making their voices heard.
The EFI has published its report on the persecution of Christians in the first six months of 2021. They have identified 145 incidents, including three murders.
In a strongly worded report, the WEA representatives at the United Nations Human Rights Council say the Hindu nationalist government of India “solidified the environment of hate and intolerance toward religious minorities”.
“We admit anyone who knock on our door”, says the pastor of the church, which has fed 37,000 families since the start of the pandemic.
The General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) analyses the tragic situation caused by the new Covid-19 wave. He calls on believers worldwide to pray for India and its churches.
Vijayesh Lal, leader of the Evangelical Fellowship of India, says Christians are making a difference in times of Covid-19: “Local churches are providing relief to their neighbouring communities”.
In a written statement to the UN Human Rights Council, the WEA also addresses the deteriorating environment for religious minorities in India and the incitement to violence of anti-conversion laws.
A large mob brutally attacked a home and a church, accusing Christians of converting people and celebrating with loud music.
The Evangelical Fellowship of India denounces that Christians “are warned to leave their faith or face consequences” and urges the state “to ensure that the perpetrators are brought to justice”.
A tribal mob, incited by Hindu extremists, killed the 16-year-old, falsely accusing him and other targeted Christians of practicing black magic.
The Evangelical Fellowship of India (EFI) publishes its annual report of violence against Christians. “Most of the incidents are related to physical violence, threats, harassment and the disruption of church services”.
“Modi’s government has closed its eyes when minorities have been attacked”, says the Evangelical Fellowship India.
“If Prime Minister Modi wins again, the persecution of Christians in India will continue to grow”, says Vijayesh Lal, General Secretary of the Evangelical Fellowship of India. Voting will finish on May 19.
The Evangelical Fellowhsip of India publishes a detailed report of attacks against Christians in 2018. They ask the government to “ensure the rule of law and the security of religious minorities”.
“From now on, if any of you distribute Bibles, we will attack you brutally”, one of the Hindus warned the Christians, according to a video the extremists took of the attack.
Five incidents were reported on the same day. “Non-state actors seem to operate with impunity”, says the EFI.
An in-depth interview with Vijayesh Lal of the Evangelical Fellowship India. Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh are the states were Christians face the strongest persecution.
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