Yury Sipko, who served in the past as head of the Russian Evangelical Baptist Union, has publicly prayed for the end of the invasion in Ukraine and called the war “a crime”. In the past, he criticised the laws restricting religious freedom.
Dutch Christian MEP, Bert-Jan Ruissen has organised the exposition. “The EU has a moral duty to credibly protect freedom of religion”, he said in the opening.
Boring people through preaching is too dangerous to let it happen even once more.
In the traditional ceremony, evangelicals pastors called for unity, reconciliation and justice. Freedom of worship should be enshrined in the Constitution, they said.
The European Commission now must decide whether it implements legislation. Evangelical associations are positive about the move.
It is amazing that a doctor and member of the parliament is now one of the most visible evangelists in Finland.
The film on child trafficking began to be screened in a dozen of Eastern European countries in August. In the UK, it was the fourth most seen movie the first weekend.
Remember how 2020 was expected to be a watershed year? The hopes that Covid-19 would force lifestyle changes?
‘Torrents de vie’ organises camps to help people struggling with their sexual orientation. The Equality Minister condemns what she describes as “homophobia and transphobia on display”.
Assailants ordered the pastor of a Presbyterian church in Kukranwala to recite the Islamic creed before shooting him.
Dragging an individual through a grueling criminal trial simply for expressing their religious beliefs is the opposite of what characterizes a free society.
Judges to give a verdict by November 30th. Prosecutors asked a 120-day fine for Räsänen and argued her interpretation and post of Bible verses was “criminal”.
The Christian community as a whole needs to awaken to the intensity and pace at which secular intolerance is progressing.
A Moscow court upholds the liquidation of the SOVA Center for committing “gross and irreparable violations” of the Public Associations law.
Christians are against desecrating holy books, says Olof Edsinger, leader of the Swedish Evangelical Alliance. But “something is terribly wrong when totalitarian regimes are trying to force us to abandon our hard-won human rights”, he adds.
The United Nations has designated August 22 each year as its International Day Commemorating Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief. Like most such days, it gets minimal attention.
“The mobs not only burned and looted our churches and homes, they also vandalized our graveyard and the office of the assistant commissioner, who is also a Christian”, sources in Jaranwala said.
Pastor Vyacheslav Goncharenko of New Life Church will be detained for at least 10 days, as trial begins against congregation for spreading “extremist material”.
“In any democracy with a respect for religious freedom, all should be allowed to pray in the privacy of their own minds”, says the defence. Trial is set for November.
Minsk prosecutor's office accused New Life Pentecostal church of inciting political hatred. Authorities recently ordered to bulldoze the church building.
José Vivas was held in prison for a month after an irregular trial, due to a misinterpretation of a statement he made about the need to have spiritual freedom.
The film grossed over 100 million dollars in 3 weeks in the US and Canada. Release dates in Europe have not been announced yet.
MEPs adopt a resolution asking Indian government to take action in Manipur, where tribal and religious conflict already left 250 churches destroyed.
Speaking to a Christian a reporter, the PSOE praised the work of evangelical churches among migrants, the PP valued their dialogue, and Vox spoke of their moral coherence and ability to create strong communities.
The effects of the restrictions are analysed by churches in Germany, Slovakia, UK and Portugal.
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