With the appointment of Anne-Nicole Heinrich, the institution aims to send a message of “missionality and inclusion”.
A survey finds that 64% of young people in Germany believe in God and 84% have prayed at least once.
Olaf Latzel used insulting language to speak about LGBT activists in a small group seminar that was later posted on Youtube.
German author Michael Sommer launches "The Bible to go", a YouTube series to “re-enact the Bible with Playmobil characters”, with the support and theological advice of the EKD.
The German Evangelical Alliance joins the Protestant Church and others in an appeal to the German government. More refugee families should be welcomed and more “neutral spaces of discussion” provided.
Schools of the Berlin Protestant Church target their 10,000 pupils with a “diversity” campaign. “A literal interpretation of the Bible does not correspond to modern faith”, they say.
A survey shows that 57% of evangelicals often do notfreely express their opinions.
The Baptist Union reported slight losses and the Pentecostal Union experienced a strong growth. In 2019, the Catholic and the Protestant Churches lost over 270,000 members each.
The latest EKD report shows that Sunday attendance reached a new low: only 3.2% of the members went to church services. Baptisms, weddings and funerals also dropped.
The Constitution “includes a right to a self-determined death”, the court says. Protestant and Catholic leaders issued a joint statement lamenting the decision.
Catholics, evangelicals and members of other faiths attended the march. “Christians should stand up for those who are weakest and have no voice”. Police had to protect the event from a violent counter-demonstration.
A survey among members of the EKD mainline church confirms the advance of theological liberalism.
“Christian history is often just a cultural decoration”, says German theologian Evi Rodemann in response to a Pew Research survey which confirms the rapid decline of Protestantism.
In a joint statement, the Church of England and the Evangelical Church Germany (EKD) say their relationship “goes back over many centuries - long before the European Union”.
The EKD reports that it lost 390,000 members in 2017, more than the Catholic church, which lost around 268,000. Both blame the decrease on Germany’s demographics.
Rome can be very softand adaptable in many respects, but the Eucharist is the core of its “Roman” identity and so it is strictly safeguarded.
The sentence says churches can only demand confessional allegiance when the job profile made it “significant, legal and justified”. In Germany, churches and their affiliated institutions are the second largest employer.
Seven bishops ask the Vatican to stop what they believe is a “banalisation” of the Eucharist. Evangelicals see the decision of the Episcopal conference as a part of an ecumenical strategy.
The German Evangelical Alliance describes the Protestant State Church’s support for gay marriage as “catastrophic.” The law was passed despite the opposition of Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Women are more convinced than men. Church attendance of state Protestant Church (EKD) reaches new low.
The German city is ready for “Gates of Freedom”, 16 weeks of events which could attract 500,000 visitors.
In the last months, the two historic religious institutions have made clear ecumenical statements in favour of more unity.
Several events to share “common faith” and “heal wounds” of the past are organised in Germany. Most evangelical Christians dissociate themselves from this ecumenical approach.
German Bishops' Conference, and the Protestant Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) issued a joint statement about the harassment and attacks Christian refugees suffer.
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