The 4th century began with a period of tolerance towards Christianity, but was soon overshadowed by intense repression. However, it ended with a Christianized Empire. How did this process unfold? A historical summary on the 1,700th anniversary.
Among those preparing for confirmation, the number of those who say they really believe in God has increased to 50%. For the first time, more young people in cities believe in the resurrection of Jesus than in rural areas.
The Bible takes history very seriously. In fact, the Bible is the source of our western understanding of linear time. The dimensions of past, present and future are not as self-evident as we may think.
At first glance, it seems that both those who see the Bible as final authority, and those who see it as a valuable myth, have much to share. Yet, upon closer observation, the foundations for their beliefs are worlds apart.
Europe’s identity as ‘Christendom’, a unity with much diversity, distinct from her pagan Eurasian roots, led to self-perception as a ‘continent’.
The year 1880 was indeed a pivotal year in Van Gogh’s life, when he rejected institutional Christianity and what he saw as the hypocrisy of the clergy.
Four ways Lausanne’s latest congress in Incheon-Seoul impacted global evangelicalism.
The popular Chinese online fashion retailer makes headlines for offering different clothing with biblical references.
European Christian Political Youth offers a unique place to put Jesus at the center while doing politics.
Christians in Africa are largely still working out what it means to be a Christian and an African at the same time.
Ultimately, we must ask if we are prepared to review our traditions in light of Scripture as our ultimate authority and be willing to change accordingly.
Christianity appeared attractive in the eyes of many pagan women – regardless of social class. A large number of ‘secondary’ conversions took place, as the husbands of converted women often chose the same path as their wives.
Youth attending a worship place regularly are expected to have an average fertility rate of 2.1, much higher than the average for any European country.
A key finding from women in world Christianity is that women tend to be boundary spanners who transcend the barriers of religion, age, class, and ethnicity.
Christmas brings the “promise of the resurrection, that death is not the end”, the President of Spain's capital region said in a speech.
Europe is polycentric, not only on the cultural but also on the spiritual and religious level.
The contrast of the Old Testament’s Cherem wars with the Quran’s ideology of Jihad is striking. This will help understand the current debate in Sweden – and elsewhere.
Chat GPT-4, the risks of mass surveillance, singularity, the future of workplaces… Charlie Catlett, computer scientist researching the internet since the 1980s, analyses the exponential growth of Artificial Intelligence.
Noah and Matteo were the most chosen for new-borns in 2022. In Berlin, the number one was Mohammed.
J. Gresham Machen wrote his book Christianity and Liberalism exactly a century ago.
A survey of the UK Bible Society points out that “there is little appetite for a secular or multi-faith coronation” among the British population.
Despite 47% of residents in the capital of Finland being members of the mainline Lutheran Church, most Christians attend other congregations.
A report shows that Australians have a good perception of Christians and are willing to have spiritual conversations, but also see Christianity as a bad influence in some areas.
“We do not see it as an attack on religious freedom”, said the German Evangelical Alliance. Minister of State for Culture propose to cover the Bible verse with “reflecting texts”.
The unholy alliance of the Russian church and state is a lesson for Christian nationalists everywhere.
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