One of the main tasks of those involved in mission is to challenge the people to ask questions like “What does it mean to be a Christian?”
Only 2 of every 10 churches registered to marry gay couples have actually officiated at least one of such weddings in England and Wales in the last four years.
Possession is less demanding than belonging, but it raises anxiety nonetheless to an aging person.
What's all this fuss about the Babe of Bethlehem?
“There are 3 things why Muslims are coming to Christ: meeting authentic Christians; reading the Bible in their own language; and seeing a vision of Jesus”, says Fouad Masri, President of Crescent Project.
You may not agree with the President of the USA in many things, but in this he is right - the gift of Christmas is offered to each one of us.
We can make no greater investment of our resources than to help churches become infectious communities of gospel-gripped people.
The Bulgarian Orthodox Church agreed “to intercede and advocate” for the Macedonian Church in its hopes for canonical independence.
Digital reading, often by design, makes meditation difficult, because hyperlinks outward, continually refreshing newsfeeds and flashing ad banners are constantly encouraging us to move.
We are facing massive challenges in Europe and America with rapidly spreading unbelief and a weak Church. But what God did then in changing the direction of Europe, He can do again.
An answer by Khaldoun Sweis, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Olive-Harvey College.
The leadership of the Protestant Church of Sweden will use “inclusive” language in worship services. Terms like “Father” and “Lord” can now be avoided.
How to use the word 'amen' wisely.
How to be effective in disciple-making in the twenty-first century.
Human Rights activists, university professors and jurists supported historic conference with representatives of the Christian, Jewish and Shia minorities in Rabat.
The officer who held them for eight hours has failed to show up. Sudan ranks fifth in the list of countries where Christians face most persecution.
Around 1800 people from 160 churches gathered throughout Spain to pray for the persecution of Christians. “There are no closed borders, prisons or doors when we pray”.
Macron announces the end of the state of emergency, but faith groups become more vulnerable as government gains power to investigate hate speech.
Let’s take a look at a few of the many positive changes which sprang from the Reformation.
Whatever you do, you can't heal your worst wound. That's why God provides a remedy.
There is a slavery that is all the more insidious for being largely hidden and undetected: the slavery of sin.
What is the Gospel all about?
Let the Reformation continue… yes, but let it continue in the gospel terms of Scripture alone and Faith alone.
The local government poverty-relief programme aims to “transform believers in religion into believers in the party”.
The Anglican Church and other evangelical movements such as Hillsong ask the parliament to protect freedom of speech in the new legislation.
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